RNA - The answers provided by the National Centre for the Religious Questions to some existing questions on cosmetic surgeries are as below:
- What is the view of Islam about planting eyelashes?
- What is the view on tattooing eyebrows?
- What is the view of Islam towards cosmetic surgery?
- If eyelashes are planted in the tissue where the natural ones grow, it is not wrong and it won’t prevent from making ablution and washing; however, if the eyelashes are inserted on the skin deliberately preventing from making ablution or washing, they should be removed upon making ablution or washing.
- If tattoos are hachures prevent from washing the hand/s while making ablution or washing the body, it renders the ablution or washing improper and thus, they should be removed prior to the first ablution or washing.
If the tattoo is below the skin (as the tattooed part shouldn’t be washed for 2-3 days for the maintenance of its colour and form), it can be done in woman’s period, as she doesn’t say prayers in her period.
But if tattooing is done in days other than her period, she should make ablution and do washing properly, though it damages the colour or form of the tattoo, and if the wound caused by tattooing is not hurt by water, she should do washing and making ablution as she does regularly; nonetheless, if water hurts the wounded part, she should make the substituted ablution method, with soil or sand, as her source of emulation advises, and if the tattoo is to act as an ornament or attracting attention, it should be covered.
- Cosmetic surgery is not wrong by itself, on the condition that it doesn’t much hurt or it is not done by a non-mahram, and the woman shouldn’t touched or seen by non-mahram.
It should be mentioned that, those interested can ask their questions of the National Centre for Asking Religious Question and receive written answers using the phone number 096400.
Rasa News Agency