RNA - Hujjat al-Islam Asghar Islami Tanha, the assistant professor of Baqir al-Olum faculty of culture and communications, on the side-line of the course on jurisprudence of communications, held in the conference hall of Rasa News Agency, answering a question on the localisation of the humanities and the existing approaches in this regard, said, “There are multiple approaches to Islamisation of the sciences.”
He called the localisation as the first approach and said, “This approach borrows and applies some Western theories into the Islamic legacy. It develops those theories to the Islamic culture with no adaptation and thus, it distributes secularism.”
“The second approach is the purifying approach, it doesn’t spurn all the western theories as wrong, but according to it, they have erred at numerous points, and thus, it attempts to correct them prior to their employment. Due to this view, the borrowed theories should be well understood and then their effective parts should be singled out and applied”, he added.
Saying that the third approach to Islamisation of humanities is the repudiatory view, the seminary teacher said, “It is traditional, and repudiates the whole western views without seeing or reading them.”
“The fourth and the final is the founding approach. According to this approach, we should abstain from borrowing and using the western sciences, and we ought to found and produce what we need. Yet, it is not economical, specifically in terms of time”, he maintained.
Rasa News Agency