Ayatollah Najafi:

RNA - A group of the pilgrims of Imam Ali (AS) holy shrine, from Netherland, Iran and Pakistan met Ayatollah Sheikh Bashir Najafi, a source of emulation, based in Najaf.
During the visit, Ayatollah Najafi, pointing to the month of Ramadan, said, “At the end of this month, we should have attained God’s forgiveness, and repent firmly from our past sins.”
He added, “The month of Ramadan is a good time for repenting, asking for the Heavenly forgiveness and a time for raising the number of good deeds.”
This source of emulation finally answered the question of the participants.
It should be mentioned that Ayatollah Najafi at each night of Ramadan month meets a group of pilgrims from different countries and officials.
Rasa News Agency
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