RNA – On May 19th, an academic conference entitled “al-Quds [Jerusalem] and Palestine in the Mirror of the Jurisprudence of Resistance” was presented by Hujjat al-Islam Dr. Sayyed Sajjad Izdehi, the head of the Research Institute of Islamic Systems at the Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought and Hujjat al-Islam Dr. Zabihollah Na’imian, a member of the political jurisprudence department at Baqir al-Ulum University, in the conference hall of Rasa News Agency in Qom.
At the beginning of this conference, Hujjat al-Islam Alireza Fallahi, the secretary of the conference, referred to the meaning of the prayer of the 25th month of Ramadhan, the scientific secretary of the conference said, “I take the coinciding of this conference with the 25th day of the holy month of Ramadhan as a good fortune because this prayer makes our policy about the Palestinian issue and the Islamic Resistance very clear and transparent. In today’s daily supplication tawalla (loving the Ahl al-Bayt) and tabarra (disassociation with the enemies of God) are beautifully requested. In this prayer we say to God, ‘Oh God! On this day, make me among those who love Your friends; and [on this day], have enmity for Your enemies; and [on this day], following the way of Your last Prophet; Oh, the Guardian of the hearts of the Prophets.’”
He continued, “Therefore, the issue of supporting Palestine and the Islamic Resistance Front can be used from the general and certain principles of our religious and narrative texts. On this basis, Ayatollah Khamenei said, ‘In the Islamic Republic, the issue of Palestine is not a tactical issue for us, it is not a political strategy, it is a matter of opinion, it is a matter of heart, it is a matter of faith.’”
Continuing the conference, Hujjat al-Islam Izdehi, in response to the question of whether the jurisprudential requirements accept our current support for Palestine, said, “The ahadith [narrations] tell us that we must defend the oppressed and fight the oppressors. According to these narrations, if a Muslim is oppressed in a corner of the world, we are obliged to defend him. There are several principles in jurisprudence that confirm this, such as the principle of ‘nafi sabil’ [denying the domination of unbelievers over believers], according to which the unbelievers cannot dominate over the Muslims, and if this happens, action must be taken to eliminate it. The meaning of domination in this principle is both cultural, geographical and economic domination and the occupying Zionist regime engages in all three of these forms of domination and therefore, we have a duty to confront this regime so that its domination is eliminated.”
Referring to the reality of Israel, Hujjat al-Islam Na’imian said, “The reality of this regime is that there is a dichotomy that we must not ignore. One aspect is that this usurping regime has committed crimes against Palestine and the other aspect is that it represents the global arrogance. The anger that we have toward Israel must not surprise us regarding the second aspect. If we look at Israel in this way, the Islamic Resistance is defined by the same situation, that is, part of the nature of the Islamic Resistance is defending Palestine against the invasion and attack of the occupying regime, and the other part is the Islamic Resistance’s resistance to the global arrogance.”
Rasa News Agency