RNA – In his Friday sermon at the Holy Shrine of Lady Zaynab in Damascus, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyed Abolfazl Tabatabai, the representative of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Syria, referred to the reopening of the doors of the Holy Shrine of Lady Zaynab, “We are thankful to God Almighty who bestowed blessings on us and reopened the doors of the Holy Shrine of Lady Zaynab for the pilgrims after about three months.”
His Eminence referred to the anniversary of the destruction of the graves of the Imams in Jannat al-Baqi Cemetery [in Madinah] by Wahhabi Saudis and said, “The Takfiris didn’t benefit from true Islam, and today we see that terrorist Takfiri groups are supported by the enemies of Islam to show that the face of Islam is violent and savage.”
On the 8th of the Islamic lunar month of Shawwal, in the year 1345 AH (April 21, 1925), the mausoleums in Jannat al-Baqi were demolished by King ibn Saud.
He continued, “Wahhabism is a colonial, arrogant and evil project to harm Islamic unity and destroy the image of Islam in the minds of society.”
Hujjat al-Islam Tabatabai described the defence of Muslim sanctities as the defence of religious identity and added, “al-Quds (Jerusalem), Jannat al-Baqi’, Damascus, Karbala and Najaf are the symbols of this religious identity and therefore, it’s the duty of all of us to defend and protect these holy places.”
His Eminence continued, “If the Islamic Resistance Axis existed at the time of the destruction of the graves of the Imams in Jannat al-Baqi, the enemies of Islam wouldn’t have dared to approach Jannat al-Baqi, let alone destroy these holy graves. Today, we witness that with the sacrifices of the fighters of the Islamic Resistance Axis, including General Shahid Haj Qasem Soleymani, tragedies like the destruction of the graves of the Imams in Jannat al-Baqi, haven’t occurred to the holy shrines of the Ahl al-Bayt again.”
He referred to the upcoming death anniversary of Imam Khomeyni [who died on June 3, 1989] and described his character as very great and emphasized, “Imam Khomeyni revived pure Islam and stood against the arrogant powers.”
Hujjat al-Islam Tabatabai continued, “Imam Khomeyni taught us that the people’s faith in God can destroy the hegemony of the United States, and we have all seen how the Iranian tankers [sent to Venezuela] rubbed the United States’ nose and sanctions into the ground and this honour is because of the blessing of Imam Khomeyni’s revolution.”
In conclusion, he emphasized that the regional power of Islamic Iran and the Islamic Resistance Axis will increase day by day because of divine strength and power.
Rasa News Agency