Rasa - Expressing the lack of social jurisprudence in Iran, Ayatollah Araki the Professor of the higher level of seminary teachings at Qom seminary said, “Many difficulties in Iran are due to personal fiqh and lack of social Fiqh (Jurisprudence). That is, so far individual Fiqh has formed the country's management system; while individual fiqh has not been created for the government.”
At the “Islamic State System” meeting which was held online, Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, a professor at the higher seminary teachings, said, “As of 41st anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, no one accepts our excuse to say that our economy, our administrative, political and cultural system is not what the revolution and Imam Khomeini wanted.”
“One of the most basic issues to be considered is the difference between conventional individual Fiqh and social Fiqh. The Guardian Council reviews the laws and rejects them if it is against Islam. The question raised here that assuming that all the laws of the country and our institutions are in accordance with Islam, then what is the outcome of these laws? Is that outcome correct? However, we cannot say today that the country’s economy is Islamic.”, Referring to the relationship between the social system and the Islamic government, he added.
“One of the characteristics of Islamic economics is that wealth must be circulating in society. But our production and distribution systems are not as such. When a young person (for economic reasons) can not get married, there is unemployment at this level and the producer can not finance production, it is clear that this system is not in accordance with Islam.”, Ayatollah Araki reiterated.
Individual Fiqh has become the canon of the country’s management
“What is in Islamic texts is far from the situation in our country, and unfortunately, there is a defect in every dimension. We have not functioned the social Fiqh as a standard of the country’s management; That is, so far individual jurisprudence has formed the management system; while individual Fiqh has not been created for the government. During the 1400 years since the beginning of Islam, Islamic rituals such as fasting, prayer, Hajj, etc., have all been proposed from the perspective of individual Fiqh. But, since the government was not in the hands of Fiqh and Fuqaha (Jurists or sources of emulation) before the Islamic Revolution, no question has been asked about social Fiqh, while the answer to these questions exist in religious texts.”, Ayatollah Araki said.
“After the Islamic revolution, these questions are gradually being raised. The issue of banks, stock exchanges, and insurance is one of the consequences of a social system that is different from the Islamic conditions in which a person wants to have a sale, rent, Mudaraba, etc. to obtain his or her halal life. Of course, our conventional Fiqh forms the basis of social Fiqh and it is not that we do not need this Fiqh and consider it useless, but the answer to social questions can not be summarized in individual jurisprudence.”, he stated.
“We need a banking system that is based on Sharia, we want the economic system to go beyond the text of the Qur'an and Sunnah, not a system which is simply according to Sharia, and the Guardian Council recognizes that it is not against Sharia. It is not possible to present the components of banking separately to jurisprudence and conclude that they are not against Sharia while not considering its composition and totality.”, Ayatollah Araki stated.
“Some officials have argued that we should run the country with the management and economic system that other parts of the world run with, except that we Islamize it. However, if we want to have an Islamic system, we must offer a system that is completely different from the ruling system in the world.”, the professor at Qom seminary said.
The western social system is a system for the reverse human being
“The social system in the West is often the exact opposite of what exists in the Islamic system. The ruling system of the world is a system for the upside of human life. We believe that if the Islamic system is properly explained, the whole world can follow suit.”, He emphasized.
“Recent unrest in the United States and Europe is not just a protest against the brutal murder of George Floyd and the police brutality, but also it is a protest against the whole system. Of course, we have not been able to introduce a system as an alternative to the current world system. If we did that, a lot of people in the world would turn to it because there is this thirst.” Araki Added.
“Religion-centered society and social system is a set of human beings whose will is organized by a single will.”, he emphasized, “If all the populations of the world come together, but are not ruled by a single will, society will not be formed. Of course, a single will does not have to be a single person, but a single will like the law.”