According to the correspondent of Rasa News Agency in Najaf Ashraf, the prayer leader of Kufa Mosque, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyed Zia ash-Shoki, making a speech, reiterated, “Beneficence is a must for the society desiring to attain purification and perfection, thereby, we are supposed to invite people to do it in all ceremonies.”
He added, “A Muslim and non-Muslim both need beneficence from others, and each person is supposed to exercise kindness and beneficence and do his best for the dissemination of this virtue.”
Hujjat al-Islam ash-Shoki further noted, “Political and governmental movements should prepare the ground for people to exercise beneficence. Governmental centres should answer how much do hospitals treat patients kindly? Do officials act beneficently? How much do our conducts conform to the practical behaviour of the Prophet (S)?
Finally, he said, “Satan prevents the man from inviting others to beneficence and it makes the society a pit of penury and problems.”
Rasa News Agency