RNA – The Saudi-owned London-based daily “al-Sharq al-Awsat” newspaper published a cartoon insulting Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani on July 3rd.
This disgusting action led to the reaction of a group of Islamic scholars, whose statement is as follows:
In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Once again, we see that the Saudi media has insulted a high-ranking religious authority.
Everyone must know that the Saudi and Wahhabi methods are continuously based on sedition and disrespect to the religious authorities, and they will never give up on this method, and everyone must be aware of this.
Insulting the sanctities and insulting the people, the holy places and the Iraqi authorities has been their method from the past to the present.
The House of Saud used to commit crimes through their Takfiri fatwas and by ordering suicide bombings and their seditionist policies in Iraq and today they insult the Iraqi authorities and scholars. However, we do not see any appropriate response from the Iraqi government to the Saudi regime.
With this insulting act, the al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper revealed the true face of the House of-Saud and demonstrated that it does not respect the great religious authority.
They know very well that Ayatollah al-Sistani defended Iraq and the rest of the neighbouring countries, even Saudi Arabia, with the collective jihad fatwa against the terrorist and Takfiri Daesh movement.
We call on the government and parliament to take a formal stand on this issue, and we also call on Shi’ah, Sunni and Kurdish officials to take an official stand in defence of Iraq’s religious authority, independence and greatness.
And peace be upon you,
A group of scholars of the Islamic world
The names of the signatories of this statement are as follows:
Muhammad al-Haydari, Muhammad al-Hasani, Hamid al-Husayni, Shaykh Aqil al-Shabaki, Shaykh Muhammad al-Asadi, Shaykh Wahhab Daraji, Shaykh Meshgag al-Hamiri, Shaykh Rad Al Bali, Shaykh Yasir al-Hamidawi, Shaykh Rashid Sabah al-Badri, Shaykh al-Jubouri, Shaykh Hasan Al Asadi, Shaykh Abbas al-Zalami, Shaykh Kadhim al-Ibadi al-Nasiri, Shaykh Muhammad al-Tamimi, Shaykh Maytham al-Baghdadi, Shaykh Fajri al-Masouli, Shaykh Anwar Al Mamouri, Shaykh Ali al-Masoudi, Shaykh Muhammad al-Najjar, Jasim al-Safi, Ali Ali Khan, Nail al-Mousawi and Shaykh Hasan al-Mihrabi
Rasa News Agency