Ayatollah Najafi:

According to the correspondent of Rasa News Agency in Najaf Ashraf, a group of Babylonian Shiites together with some officials of Iraqi provinces met Ayatollah Sheik Bashir Najafi. In the course of the visit, Ayatollah Najafi expressed, “Every Muslim is obliged to change the existing conditions through the purification of the self and society.”
This source of emulation reiterated, “Self-purification corrects the society, and as a result, it improves the situation.”
Ayatollah Najafi recommended the followers and lovers of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) to assess their own conducts each day and have recourse to the school of Ahl al-Bayt, the school that guarantees the felicity of the man in the mundane world and the Hereafter.
Rasa News Agency
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