RNA - Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani, a source of emulation, visited by the Minister of Sciences, mentioning that we ought to let the world know that Islam is rooted in sciences, said, “Upon the advent of Islam and when there was no library, scientist or university in the West, there were multiple Muslim scholars who authored several books on sciences.”
He added, “The talented youth with specific gifts should be recognized and the best faithful professors should be employed in universities so that students are trained in accordance with the Islamic principles.”
Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani then pointed to the need for fostering of the links between the seminary and university and said, “In the early Islam, all the people used to learn sciences, however the development of colonizing severed the links between the seminary and university; the more these links are strengthened, the more Islam will develop.”
Commending the supreme leader’s honorable positions, Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani maintained, “Our people were immensely pleased with the resolute positions adopted by the supreme leader in response to the Japan prime minister’s mediation for negotiation with the US; today the principal demand of our people is dignity, and this and other public demands should be dealt with and met by the governmental officials.”
Rasa News Agency