RNA - The press conference of the Seminar on the theory of the Islamic Science and its Application was held in the Ghadir conference hall of Qom Seminary’s Office of Islamic Propagation.
The secretary of the scientific committee of the seminar, Hujjat al-Islam Parsania said, “this seminar is aimed at the application of the religious sciences in the education system; the higher education and education systems both should use those theories and science commensurate with the Islamic culture through a macroplanning for science”.
He added, “technology, the independence and development of the world of Islam have doubled the significance of the religious science and accordingly, the Islamic scholars in different countries found that, in order to maintain their own identity and revive their own culture, they should consider their internal scientific load”.
The faculty member of Baqir al-Olum University reiterated, “concerning the cultural rise, the Islamic Revolution was pioneer in the world of Islam, and it became active in the mentioned fields, even the the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution was formed due to this purposed”.
Stressing that currently many sciences and concept have been imported from the West, he said, “we need to use both the scientific experiences of others and their using experiences so that we don’t have to encounter them passively, therefore the planning shouldn’t be done abroad and we should plan here for our own country”.
Rasa News Agency