RNA – In a meeting with the doctrinal-political heads of the forces deployed in South Khorasan province, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyed Alireza Ebadi, the representative of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Khamenei] in South Khorasan province, referred to American Human Rights Week and said, “Everywhere that the United States has entered in the world, it has prevented people from breathing and this is not just for the African-Americans in the United States.”
The Friday prayer leader of Birjand added, “In the lexicon of these human rights, the various dimensions of human rights, including the right to life, the right to dignity, the right to liberty, the right to security, the right to choose, the right to national sovereignty, the rights of women, the rights of the child, the right to nature and the environment we find the desired meaning of Westerners and organizations, assemblies, councils, treaties, resolutions and statements are formed and regulated according to their order.”
Hujjat al-Islam Ebadi said, “In this view, the formation of a fake Zionist state is in support of the oppressed Jewish nation and the expulsion of the Palestinian people and the usurpation of the people’s homeland is the same as justice.”
His Eminence emphasized that in this degenerate school, the occupying terrorists are considered freedom fighters and fighters of Hamas and Islamic Jihad are considered as terrorists.
He stated, “In the eyes of American human rights, Iran’s efforts for peaceful energy will jeopardize American security but the falsification and formation of the brutal Daesh, al-Nusrah Front and al-Qaedah Takfiri terrorist groups is considered as support for world peace.”
Hujjat al-Islam Ebadi continued, “Surprisingly, all of this is given to the people of the world in a glaze of art and literature and attractive media effects and various news, reports and analyzes and if there is a need to cover up assassinations, threats, attacks, and crimes, public opinion will be diverted by camouflage, boycotts, censorship, and deviant news.”
His Eminence said, “Although the disenfranchisement of human rights from the perspective of American sovereignty and Zionism has more of an external appearance, the truth is that the first victims of the Western liberal democratic marionettes have been the American people throughout its 200-year history.”
Hujjat al-Islam Ebadi added, “Even today, different segments of the American people, especially African-Americans and people of colour, cannot breathe under the yoke of the boots of arrogant and their cries have resonated all over the world.”
Rasa News Agency