RNA – Speaking a ceremony to unveil of book “Sanad-e Entekhab” [Document of the Election] in Tehran, Ayatollah Mohsen Mojtahed-Shabestari, the representative of the people of West Azerbaijan province in the Assembly of Experts of the Leadership, said that the issue of the rule of Wilayah al-Faqih [Guardianship of the Jurisprudent] in the time of the occultation of Imam al-Mahdi is one of the rational axioms, and stated, “From the Tawqi’at al-Imam al-Mahdi [Letters of Imam al-Mahdi] to the narrations of the Infallible Imams, the existence of Wilayah al-Faqih in the era of occultation has been emphasized.”
His Eminence quoted Imam Ali and said, “In one of his sermons, Imam Ali says that the most deserving person to the caliphate in the Islamic society is the strongest person in the ummah, the one who is the most knowledgeable regarding the divine rulings and when an instigator creates sedition, the caliph must advise him and punish him if he doesn’t correct himself, like the case of the sedition of 2009.”
Ayatollah Mojtahed-Shabestari recalled the election of Ayatollah Khamenei as the Supreme Leader of the Revolution and said, “In 1989, when the Assembly of Experts convened to elect a leader, the issue of a leadership council was proposed and wasn’t accepted, the discussion about an individual leader began and several people were nominated for the leadership. However, based on what Imam Khomeyni said about the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, the members of the Assembly of Experts elected Ayatollah Khamenei as the Supreme Leader. I had gone to the late Imam privately and I had raised the issue of leadership with him and he said that as long as you have Sayyed Ali [Khamenei], you don’t need to worry about the leadership after me.”
His Eminence pointed out that after Imam Khomeyni, Ayatollah Khamenei is the worthiest person to lead the Islamic revolution and explained, “Imam Khomeyni’s remarks regarding the election of Ayatollah Khamenei as the Supreme Leader accelerated the work of the Assembly of Experts; It was God’s grace and favours that Ayatollah Khamenei was chosen as the Supreme Leader because at that time the arrogant powers of the world were waiting for the destruction and overthrow of the Islamic Revolution. Within 24 hours of Imam Khomeyni’s death, the Supreme Leader was elected, which disappointed the enemies.”
Referring to the influence of Ayatollah Khamenei’s words, he said, “The influence of his words has led to security in the country and we are witnessing unity and solidarity in society today.”
Ayatollah Mojtahed-Shabestari added, “The Supreme Leader also raised the issue of resistance economics in economic issues because they knew that the only solution to the country's economic problems is a resistance economy. If the authorities act on it, they will deprive the country of dependence on the outside world.”
Rasa News Agency