RNA – In an exclusive interview with Rasa News Agency, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyed Ahmad Hoseyni-Khorasani offered his congratulations on the birth anniversary of the eighth Shi’ah imam, Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha, and referred to the dimensions of the personality of the Imam and said, “In terms of personality, Imam al-Ridha was a man chosen by God and was the authority of the Lord and the possessor of God-given love and infallibility, and as a result, the divine authority is considered upon all of humankind and in all dimensions.”
The professor of ethics of in the Islamic Seminaries added, “God created such a pure man to be a model for the happy and comprehensive life of human beings in all historical periods and therefore, we must try to be moral through his morals, to be disciplined through his behaviour and follow his culture.”
He further referred to the titles of Imam al-Ridha and added, “Imam al-Ridha has many titles, among which being ‘rauf’ (compassionate) is the most famous. ‘Rauf’ is one of the attributes of God and in the Holy Quran, the Holy Prophet has been praised by God for this attribute.”
Hujjat al-Islam Hoseyni-Khorasani continued, "Compassion and love mean taking care of God’s servants, assisting the poor and the disabled, guiding the misguided and helping the fallen. When Imam al-Ridha was forced to stay in Marw for three years, he distributed all of his assets among the needy in the Marw region several times.”
The representative of the people of Khorasan Razavi province in the Assembly of Experts stated that if we consider ourselves to be devoted to Imam al-Ridha and it is appropriate to follow his moral method and added, “In these difficult living conditions, which have been created by cowardly and inhumane sanctions, as well as the spread of the Coronavirus in the country, and the fact that some have become unemployed and have difficulty managing their lives, it’s necessary for everyone to be as moral as possible to follow Imam al-Ridha.”
He narrated a narration from Imam al-Ridha about paying the worker’s salary before the sweat on his forehead dries up and said, “This ethic of Imam al-Ridha today must become a procedure for employers, industry owners, as well as managers and agents and the delaying of the payment of wages without a rational excuse, is contrary to the ethics of Imam al-Ridha.”
In conclusion, Hujjat al-Islam Hoseyni-Khorasani emphasized, “Imam al-Ridha has dedicated his entire life to spreading Islamic sciences and states that if Shi’ahs and our followers learn our sciences properly and teach others, people will accept our culture based on their nature. Therefore, the seminaries, the universities and the national media are obliged to try to spread the teachings of Imam al-Ridha and in the meantime, the duty of the national media is much more important, and it must use the facilities at its disposal to promote these teachings.”
Rasa News Agency