RNA – The office of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, the supreme authority of Shi’ahs in Iraq, issued a statement to the Iraqi people emphasizing the need to take measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
The text of this statement is as follows:
To the noble Iraqi people, in these difficult times wherein the outbreak of the Coronavirus in various parts of the country, especially in Baghdad, has increased in an unprecedented manner, we urge you to be more careful and to pay attention to the need to take precautionary measures, such as refraining from gathering with others and observing social distancing and using masks and washing hands regularly and wearing gloves.
Ayatollah al-Sistani also stressed the need to adhere to these measures and participate effectively in taking appropriate measures to prevent further outbreaks of the Coronavirus and said that health care is very important, especially given the current situation of the country. Due to this weakness, it is necessary to provide facilities for the provision of necessary medical equipment for the treatment of patients suffering from the Coronavirus.
“Preventing the spread of the disease is now the responsibility of all Iraqi citizens and officials, and everyone must be responsible in this regard, and at this critical stage, they must cooperate with the least possible consequences and damages,” the Shi’ah authority in Iraq said.
The statement continued, stating, “We all need to keep in mind that medical and healthcare staff are carrying a heavy burden in carrying out their missions in treating and carrying for the ill Coronavirus victims and both they and their families are suffering, of which we know only a little. They have risked their lives in this way, and the number of people with Coronavirus has increased over the past few days. Therefore, to reduce the volume of their load and suffering, everyone must be committed to taking preventive measures against the prevalence of Coronavirus so that the number of patients with this virus does not double and there is no additional burden on the medical staff.”
In conclusion, Ayatollah al-Sistani stated, “We all thank them (the medical staff) and appreciate their continued efforts, as well as their valuable sacrifices in serving the people and fulfilling their religious, national and human obligations. We ask God Almighty to protect them and give them reward, goodness, health and blessings as much as they deserve. We also ask God Almighty to grant all of us a speedy recovery from all the patients suffering from the Coronavirus and the elimination of this calamity and disease, for He is the Hearer and the Respondent.”
Rasa News Agency