RNA – In a statement, Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Nouri-Hamedani offered his condolences to Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad Maddah, a jihadi cleric who serves patients suffering from COVID-19 (Coronavirus) at a hospital in Qom who lost his wife who was pregnant with twins from the disease and who was hospitalized in the intensive care unit (ICU) at the same hospital that he volunteered at.
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamedani also referred to the jihadi activities of the seminarians despite the current situation and emphasized that the Islamic Seminaries and the clergy have always been with the people during all difficulties and will stay with them.
The text of His Eminence’s statement is as follows:
In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Dear Hujjat al-Islam Shaykh Mohammad Maddah (may His grace be lasting)
The news of the death of the dear wife and children of Your Eminence who served as a jihadi seminarian in the hospitals is cause of lament as is the case of the deaths of a large number of our compatriots. I consider it necessary to extend my condolences on this occasion to the respected jihadi seminarians who are engaged in serving the patients suffering from the Coronavirus.
Today, people from different countries, including our country, have been afflicted and tested and our dear people must pass this test and affliction by resorting to the Divine Essence and His prophets and the Infallibles, especially our Master, Imam al-Mahdi. Through effort, empathy and action on the advice of the health officials, observing hygiene recommendations and avoiding unnecessary travel, we can end this crisis.
The jihadi actions of these respected seminarians, their presence in the hospitals and serving of patients and cleaning the city’s passages and all sorts of other assistance will make the dear people happy. We must know that this was the tradition of our great scholars who were always with the people and sensed their suffering from close. The late Imam Khomeyni said “the fall of the scholars is at the time when they separate themselves from the people. Therefore, in this current situation, the seminarians, from the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution to all of those in the Islamic Seminaries, will stand alongside with the people.
These days, the enemies of Islam, the Islamic Revolution and the clergy are bombarding us with propaganda through satellite channels certain websites that are funded by the arrogant powers, Zionists and some countries in the region, such as Saudi Arabia, and they encourage doubts and according to their own assumptions, they can separate the people and the clergy but they are ignorant that these people have a deep faith and culture and will ignore the propaganda with its lies, slander and deceit. Through their reliance on God and their ambition, they will traverse the path of dignity and greatness and they will be victorious in this regard.
I urge you, dear students, to be more present in this jihadi arena, and to serve the beloved people throughout the country. Once again, I thank the medical staff all over the country for their efforts and all those who serve in this compassionate way, especially you dear seminarians and I’m praying for all of you.
Hoseyn Nouri-Hamedani
March 14, 2020
Rasa News Agency