RNA – In an exclusive interview with Rasa News Agency, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Sadruddin al-Qubanchi, the Friday prayer leader of Najaf, referred to the recent demonstrations in Iraq and said, “The actions by the Iraqi people in demand o their rights is a correct move.”
The Iraqi Shi’ah scholar added, “There are fundamental and underlying problems in Iraq that go back to the former government – the era of the Ba’ath Party – and the wars that the country has wrestled with during various times.”
Hujjat al-Islam al-Qubanchi stated that foreign countries interfere in the internal affairs of Iraq and said, “The sources of emulation have repeatedly warned the Iraqi people of these moves by foreign countries and, thanks to God Almighty, the foreign countries failed to achieve their goals of riding the wave of demonstrations.”
His Eminence added, “The Islamic Republic of Iran has always stood alongside the Iraqi people and has given a considerable amount of assistance and should not give consideration to the small number of voices beating the drums of division because it doesn’t not reflect the deep interest of the Iraqi people in Iran. If you want to understand the level of the Iraqi people’s interest in the Iranian nation, you should consider hosting them in the Arba’in of Imam al-Husayn pilgrimage.”
He said that Iran has helped the Iraqi people in the fight against the Daesh (ISIS) Takfiri terrorists in various fields and added, “The Iraqi people are grateful to the Iranians for this assistance and thank them.”
Hujjat al-Islam al-Qubanchi emphasized that while some consider Iran as an intruder in Iraqi internal affairs, the Americans are present in the country with thousands of their troops.
Iraq has witnessed several weeks of demonstrations demanding sweeping reform. The protesters have directed their rage at a class of elite leaders, whom they accuse of pillaging the oil-rich country’s wealth while the population grows poorer.
Rasa News Agency