RNA - The member of the Unity Council of the Pakistani Muslims, condemning the crimes committed by Takfiris, stated that Pakistani Shiites are ready to demolish the DAEHS (ISIL) if the supreme leader permits.
Talking to the reporter of Rasa News Agency, Hujjat al-Islam Dr. Isa Amini, the member of the Unity Council of the Pakistani Muslims pointed to visit of Bin Salman made to Pakistan and said, “Pakistan is a Muslim country, its founders were Shiite, and those who have the blood of the Shiite on their hands should never visit Pakistan. We condemn his visit to our land”.
He added, “Bin Salman is the killer of both the Shiite and humanity. He is a wolf in man’s clothing. The majority of Pakistanis abominate him and are angry with his visit. Even some demonstrations were held against his visit in some cities”.
Dr. Amini stated, “Saudi Arabia has committed massacre across the world and follows the policies of the arrogant and the enemies of Islam. It has never shown mercy to us and has long attempted to serve the interests of its own and its masters”.
He then condemned the explosions of Zahidan that killed tens of border guards of the Revolutionary Guards Corps, and then stated, “certainly, the current Pakistani government, the same as its predecessor, follows Saudi Arabia, the lackey of Israel and the US. Their goal is to create chaos and insecurity in the region”.
Finally he mentioned, “Pakistani Shiites are obedient to the Guardian of the Islamic Jurist and are ready to demolish the ISIS group if the supreme leader permits”.
Rasa News Agency