Recognize the tricks of the enemies in creating distance between believers and humanizing resources

RNA – In an exclusive interview with Ayatollah Mohammad-Baqer Tahriri, the head of Tehran’s Marvi Seminary, referred to the Supplication of Arafah, which is recited on the ninth day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah, said, “It’s necessary to pay attention to the greatness of night and day of Arafah. God Almighty always loves His servants and wants good for them wants His servants to be connected only with His absolute perfection and to move toward Him to express their needs only to Him because the dignity and perfection of man is the fact that he understands that a needy creature has a purpose. It has a lofty and wide spiritual range that can communicate with the absolute divine perfection.”
The revered teacher in the Islamic Seminaries emphasized that the month of Dhu al-Hijjah is also considered as one of the special times and special virtues have been mentioned for the first ten days of this month and added, “Of course, these ten days coincide with the month of Dhu al-Qa’dah, which is a period of forty days. According to the promise that God Almighty made to one of the Ulu al-Azm (Resolute Prophets), Prophet Moses, in these forty days, the servant will make a series of preparations so that he can have those strong relations with the divine essence and receive news from that divine realm. Thus, these forty days have found an honour that is also mentioned in the Holy Quran.”
He said, “With these preliminaries, God Almighty has made the practice of Hajj, which is one of the actions which bring one close to God and has spiritual, social and political aspects, obligatory for the believers who are able to do it once in their lifetime. Of course, those who performed the obligatory Hajj at least once, if they have the financial means and physical ability and other necessary conditions, can perform this act again as recommended and Hajj al-Tamattu’ [joy of Hajj] will be recorded for them.”
Ayatollah Tahriri stated, “Hajj al-Tamattu’ is also an action that is performed at a specific time and place, the actions of which express a kind of expression of submission and love for the existence of God. In these acts, there are movements such as circumambulation of the house of God [the Ka’bah], the obligation of performing the salat al-tawaf (prayer of circumambulation) and there are also prayers that are also performed on the Day of Arafah.”
His Eminence said “God Almighty has commanded the pilgrims to gather in the Valley of Arafat, which is located in a part of the land of Makkah, and express their secrets and needs to the Lord. Almost the first, most complete and broadest gathering that must be formed with its own special conditions is the Day of Arafah, where all pilgrims are obliged to attend the gathering of Arafah on the Day of Arafat and engage expressing their secrets and needs. Therefore, the Supplication of Arafah of Imam al-Husayn with such preparations is expressed in the Valley of Arafat.”
In other remarks, he said, “Today we see how the call and truth-seeking discussions of the Islamic Republic of Iran are being raised in the world and when the teachings of religion reach the farthest parts of the words, how Christians, Jews and Buddhists who seek the truth will fall in love with the pure teachings of Islam and accept it when they hear this call.”
Ayatollah Tahriri emphasized, “After the Islamic Revolution, students of the Ahl al-Bayt came to Iran from 120 countries. Today, they are learning this knowledge in al-Mustafa International University community. At present, some of these people, who became acquainted with the school of Ahl al-Bayt, accepted and understood the sweetness of this knowledge, are engaged in propagating this knowledge in countries around the world, including the United States, the Netherlands, Africa, etc. On this basic, the teachings of the Quran and Ahl al-Bayt aren’t limited to Islamic countries or Saudi Arabia, where the Holy Quran was revealed, but these are universal teachings.”
The Supplication of Arafah of Imam al-Husayn is one of the prayers that Shi’ahs recite on the Day of Arafah in the desert of Arafat and other parts of the world. This prayer contains mystical and ideological teachings.
Rasa News Agency