RNA – The subject of lifestyle in the holy religion of Islam has a history of 1,400 years and is mentioned in various letters. There are several narrations from the Holy Prophet Muhammad and the Infallible Imams about living a happy life, living a righteous life and encouraging Muslims to follow religious orders in all stages of life in Islamic sources.
One of the narrative documents about the correct lifestyle is the sermon 193 of Nahj al-Balaghah (The Peak of Eloquence) so that several passages from this sermon explain the lifestyle of the pious. The first description of the pious in this sermon is that “their speech is to the point” (مَنْطِقُهُمُ الصَّوَابُ). This phrase defines the style and manner of speaking of the pious. The second attribute that the Imam has stated for the pious is that “their dress is moderate” (وَمَلبَسُهُمُ الأِققتتِصادُ). This verse points to the correct dress of the pious, which is an important example of lifestyle.
The next attribute given to the pious is that “their gait is humble” (وَمَشْيُهُمُ التَّوَاضُعُ). That is, the pious have a humble demeanour, which is not only humility in their gait, but also in their other behaviours. The next feature that has been considered in their lifestyle that “they keep their eyes closed to what God has made unlawful for them” (غَضُّوا اَبصارَهُم أمّا حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ عَلَيهِم). This phrase indicates that the pious keep their eyes protected and refuse to see when confronted with what God has forbidden.
In the next verse, it says, “and they put their ears to that knowledge which is beneficial to them” (وَقَقَفُوا اَسماعَهُم عَلَى العِلمِ النَّافِعِ لَهُم). It is as if this verse indicates that pious people devote their ears to useful material and do not listen to just anything. These verses are a reflection of living in the style of the pure Imams and as a result, it has described the Quran. Elsewhere, Imam Ali tells his son, Imam al-Hasan, about the plans for a happy life: “My child, the pious, should set three times in his activities: when he prays to God in it, when he takes account of his soul in it, and when he empties it for his lawful pleasure and beauty. There is no escaping a believer who is present in three things: improving his livelihood, taking steps for the Hereafter, or enjoying lawful pleasures.” (ibn Shu'bah al-Harani, 1404, 1:11)
It should be noted that in addition to the narrations of the Infallible Imams: There are narrations about explaining the correct way of life and some narrations from these nobles point to the condemnation and avoidance of inappropriate lifestyle and avoidance of similitude to disbelievers. Among them, we can mention this narration that Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq quotes his ancestors in a hadith al-qudsi [sacred narration] from the tongue of God Almighty:
“My servants, do not wear the dress of my enemies and do not eat the food of my enemies and avoid all similar forms (lifestyle) of my enemies, otherwise you will become my enemy like them” (al-Hurr al-Amili, 1368:1957). It can be clearly stated that the correct way of life in the words and manners of the Prophet Muhammad and the Infallible Imams: It is quite obvious that if we go deep into the lifestyle of these nobles, we have the best way to achieve an ideal lifestyle.
Lifestyle in recent decades has been one of the basic concepts in the field of humanities. This concept is examined from different angles and, from the point of view of experts, forms a set of perceptions, values, behaviours, states, and tastes. Lifestyle is a meaning that deals with a particular way of life of an individual or a society and is influenced by the worldview and values that govern that individual and society. Each religion or school of thought, according to the theoretical approaches, worldviews, and values and social and cultural conditions of its time, has provided definitions and characteristics with a focus on the aspect or aspects of this multidimensional concept.
Thus, the way of life from the point of view of the Quranic and divine worldviews is a style that is pure in every sense and free from all impurities and anything that makes the clear water of life miserable in human mouths. When faith is accompanied by righteous deeds, it bears fruit, which is referred to as hayat al-tayyibah, the good life. Although the Quran only explicitly mentions hayat al-tayyibah once, there are many references to it in the Quran that can be found among the components that the Quran introduces for a healthy life.
From the perspective of the Pure Imams, this concept is not different from the viewpoint of the Quran. In such a way that the correct way of life is evident in the words and manners of the Prophet Muhammad and the Imams, and if we go deep into the lifestyle of these nobles, we will have the best way to achieve the ideal and Quranic lifestyle. With a brief look at the views of intellectuals, it can be said that lifestyle is a special system-like and systematic way of life that gives a person, family or society a special identity. Therefore, according to the characteristics of the lifestyle that has been expressed, action should be taken to improve or build a lifestyle according to the worldview and values that govern the individual and society.
Rasa News Agency