RNA – In an exclusive interview with Rasa News Agency, Shaykh Ahmad al-Qattan, the head of Lebanon’s Qawluna wal-Amal [Say and Act] Society, said that the twentieth anniversary of the liberation of southern Lebanon from the filth of the Zionist occupation and explained, “This victory was due to the efforts of the Lebanese Islamic Resistance Forces and the cooperation of the people and the army of this country and the triad of the people, the army and the Islamic Resistance continues to stand against the arrogant Zionist regime.”
The Lebanese Sunni cleric said, “The Muslim people should stand up against the conspiratorial rulers and not allow them to conspire against the important issues of the Islamic world, especially the issue of Palestine and the fight against the Zionist regime which has usurped the first qiblah [of Islam].”
Shaykh al-Qattan added, “The Arab people must benefit from the experience of liberating southern Lebanon from the Zionist regime in its struggle against the army of this occupying regime. [The Zionist occupation army] is an army that many believed was invincible.”
Regarding the role of commanders of the Islamic Resistance in defeating the Zionist regime, he said, “Undoubtedly, the commanders of the Islamic Resistance, including Martyr Qasem Soleymani and Martyr Imad Mughniyeh, have played a prominent role in determining the victories of the Islamic Resistance against the Zionist regime and were a symbol of sacrifice for all.”
Shaykh al-Qattan added, “Hezbollah is now in a position of deterrence, not self-defence, against the Zionist regime, and this regime considers Hezbollah’s response at the top of its calculations before committing any foolish faction against Lebanon and this deterrent power is thanks to the Islamic Republic of Iran and those who support the Islamic Resistance groups in the region.”
Rasa News Agency