RNA - After the response of World Council of Churches to Ayatollah Arafi’s letter to Pope Francis, His Excellency sent a letter in response to offer future collaborations:
His Excellency Reverend Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit,
General Secretary of the World Council of Churches
Greetings and regards, praise be to God, peace be to the great prophets of God, Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad and his family;
The unfortunate incident of the Coronavirus spread has caused suffering for countries and nations and has saddened scholars and the leaders of religions. The Islamic Seminaries and religious leaders in Qom and Iran, while expressing their sympathy to the victims of this disease from all religions and nations, wish all disasters away from the world, and wish divine mercy for those who have lost their lives and immediate healing for the patients.
We express our gratitude to His Holiness and all those who work to solve this problem and to care for the sick and needy, and emphasize the importance of regulating all affairs and plans based on the views and recommendations of experts, specialists and scientists in which we have been well-coordinated with the responsible organizations.
According to the logic of divine religions, natural disasters are warning phenomena for human testing, a foundation for human evolution and transcendence, a cause of insight into the origin and the resurrection, an opportunity to measure and manifest the human and social qualities, and a flourishing spirit of empathy and self-sacrifice.
Correct, rational and wise explanation of such incidents and how to deal with them, avoiding the unrealistic bipolarity of science and religion, developing research to solve social problems, sustaining social and economic vitality, fostering social cohesion, strengthening hope, will, peace, kindness and creativity in society are great responsibilities for all the elites, educators, and officials. Religious leaders and scholars have an extra responsibility to strengthen the foundations of the faith and pay attention to the need for self-purification and the protection of society from anomalies and contaminations, as well as the attention to the eternal power of God Almighty, Promote prayer and supplication in the presence of God, and it undoubtedly requires the empathy and cooperation of all religious centers and congregations, and also requires a return to the unique capital of the divine teachings of prophets with a comprehensive and rational approach.
Addressing this challenge and other contemporary crises such as injustice, unjust discrimination, inhumane sanctions, environmental crises, war, terrorism, production and maintenance of WMDs, require international consultation, cooperation, and comprehensive policies. It also requires a comprehensive confrontation with the irresponsibility of some sovereign states, unilateral laws, corruption, discrimination, sanctions, anti-justice, anti-morality and anti-spirituality movements, and sincere adherence to common human, rational and religious teachings, and strengthening foundations of love, justice, peace, and human solidarity.
True divine leaders have always been and will stand by their commitment to God, to divine prophets and humanity. These days in the Islamic Republic of Iran we are witnessing the indescribable manifestations of voluntary movements, empathy, extensive cooperation of the government/nation and people of all groups, religions, denominations, nurses, doctors, medical staff, students, academic elites, the clergy, theologians, religious leaders, scholars, and rescue youths, led by religious authorities and supreme leader of the Islamic Revolution. We are proud of this heavenly bond.
I take this opportunity to announce that the Islamic Seminaries and its professors, scholars, and students are ready to exchange scientific, cultural and relief experiences, especially in the virtual field, and to open a new chapter of collaboration with International scientific centers, universities, religious centers, leaders of divine religions, official organizations of countries, and specifically the World Council of Churches to form a community of divine religions to serve humanity and to create a new monotheistic civilization.
Alireza Arafi
The Director of Islamic Seminaries
Qom, Islamic Republic of Iran
April 2020