RNA – The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom issued a statement condemning the recent riots over the increased price of gasoline in Iran in which they praised the vigilance and intelligence of the Iranian people in the face of the enemies’ conspiracy against the country.
The Iranian government raised gasoline prices last week in order to moderate the national consumption rate, which stands at 110 million litres per day, 40 million litres above the maximum daily domestic requirement.
The move prompted some peaceful protests, but riotous elements, taking advantage of the circumstances, quickly entered the scene, destroying public property, setting banks and gas stations ablaze among other facilities, and opening fire on people and security forces.
A summary of text of the statement, which was signed by Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi and made available to Rasa News Agency, is as follows:
In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful
The recent events of the country, in which a number of malicious individuals who were devoted to committing sinister acts against the people of Iran, engaged in rioting, destruction and terrorism was ended through the glorious and revolutionary presence of the Iranian people. Once again, the enemies of Islam and the Islamic Revolution were repelled through the courage of the Iranian people. These events demonstrated that the spiteful enemies and bullying, aggressive and arrogant leaders did not give up their hostility and sedition against the Iranian people, even for a moment
The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom praised the wise positions of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei] and expressing their gratitude to the courageous people of Iran, declared that the Islamic system will deal with the rioters and aggressors against the security of the country and will not allow the security and peace of the country to be compromised by a deceptive group.
Undoubtedly, the judicial officials decisively and lawfully dealt with criminal rioters who disrupted the security of society by killing and injuring defenceless people and burning public and private property and they do not allow fear of the bombardment of enemy propaganda and the reproach of the reproachers.
The recent turmoil has undeniably shown that foreign messaging apps and services and some internal social networks on the Internet are the perfect setting for lies and gossip to provoke ignorant elements. The political, cultural, economic threats, and most importantly, the moral security of society has now been made clear through foreign messaging apps and services. It is therefore necessary for the relevant agencies to create a national information network in order to eliminate those areas of enemy infiltration and aggression. Being lax in strengthening the infrastructure needed to do so is by no means justified.
May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be with you,
Mohammad Yazdi
Head of the Supreme Council of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom
Rasa News Agency