RNA – The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom has issued a statement condemning the announcement by the United States that it has designated the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization and said it was indicative of the defeat of the enemies.
On April 8th, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, released a statement designating Iran “a State Sponsor of Terrorism” and the IRGC as a a “foreign terrorist organization,” claiming that the elite Iranian force “actively participates in, finances, and promotes terrorism as a tool of statecraft.”
The text of this statement is as follows:
In the name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
The peace of God be upon the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps!
On various fronts and especially on the battlefield against Daesh terrorists and other terrorist groups in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps have imposed a formidable defeat on the American-Zionist plans and have provoked the hatred and animosity of this global terrorist superpower.
In an attempt to create a new wave of efforts to pressure the Islamic Republic of Iran The insurgent government of the United States, has carried out a hostile act by designating the IRGC as a terrorist organization. This act demonstrates the peak of the stupidity and ignominy of the ruling administration and the weakness and bewilderment of the arrogant powers against the will of the Iranian nation.
This idea and action plan is being drafted by the arrogant American government, which has created and equipped most of the terrorist groups and are under its command and guidance, and the public opinion of the world is well aware of this fact. In opposition to them, the IRGC and other armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran are at the height of dignity and authority in the countries of the region and these short-sighted movements will not prevent their dynamic and powerful movement.
The warrior and revolutionary forces of the IRGC have gained the medal of honour of the popularity of the people and this deep-seated relationship between the nation and the armed forces has given true power and authority to Iran’s military capabilities and no sanctions and threats have the ability to stand up to this popular power. .
The Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom offers its congratulations and salutations on the birth anniversary of Abu Abdullah al-Husayn and commemorates the Day of the IRGC and announces its appreciation for the reciprocal governmental and parliamentary action against the terroristic American system. The sacred system of the Islamic Republic of Iran will respond to this act by the United States in a decisive manner which will act as an introduction for further defeats by the United States and will make the dreams of the arrogant front a horrific nightmare.
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be with you,
Mohammad Yazdi
Head of the Supreme Council of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom
Rasa News Agency