RNA – Speaking at a mourning ceremony for Imam al-Husayn on the eighth night of the solemn month of Muharram in Qom, Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad Sa’idi said that Imam al-Husayn said, “Martyrdom is the art of the men of God” and noted, “With the status that he had and the fact that he was the ‘teacher of the martyrs,’ the late Imam Khomeyni enjoys the status of the dear martyrs.”
Referring to the fact that the martyrs gave the blood in their veins in the way of God in order to provide the platform for the implementation of the divine commandments, the custodian of the Holy Shrine of Lady Fatimah al-Ma’sumah said, “These great men gave their blood in order to secure the moral and psychological security of their brothers and sisters in faith. The martyrs donated their blood and instead, attained eternal life from God. On this basis, the families of the martyrs mustn’t be upset because their martyrs have eternal life with God and they are at the divine threshold of bliss.”
He said that the martyrs are the source of blessings and explained, “When the memory of the martyrs is remembered somewhere, the perfume of faith, sacrifice, and virtue is enveloped in that place. Sometimes neglect seizes the atmosphere of the city and country in such a way that the people neglect the memory of the martyrs and revolutionary values but they are stirred by the holding of ceremonies marking the remembrance of the martyrs and give attention to the culture of sacrifice and martyrdom.”
Ayatollah Sa’idi considered commemorating the martyrs of the Sacred Defence [Iran-Iraq War] as an extension of the reverence for the martyrs of Karbala and said, “The commemoration of the status of the martyrs is undoubtedly less worthy than martyrdom because if there are no people who, after the martyrdom of the martyrs, keep their memories and their objectives alive, the values that the martyrs sacrificed their blood for will be destroyed.”
The Friday prayer leader of Qom said that the main purpose of commemorating the martyrs is to revive the covenant with the martyrs and the ideals of the Islamic Revolution and said, “Today, many of the devious hands of the foreign powers and on the internet have stretched out toward us so that we swear allegiance to them and forget the values of the Islamic Revolution but these mourning ceremonies lead to us swear allegiance to the pure hands of the martyrs and on this path, we will gain proximity to God.”
He acknowledged knowledge, expectation along with action and public participation as three pillars of real expectation and explained that the expectation is a social-political issue and noted, “The people in the year 61 AH/680 CE were also waiting for the Imam of their time [Imam al-Husayn] and wrote letters to him and invited him to come to Kufah but because they didn’t observe these pillars and didn’t understand the guardianship of the Imam of their time, they created a tragedy and acted in such a way that the tragedy will remain until the Day of Resurrection.”
Ayatollah Sa’idi added, “The people of Kufah, despite the fact that they comprehended the era of the Prophet Muhammad and Imam Ali, left the Imam alone but the honourable people of Iran who adhere to wilayah [guardianship], despite the fact that they don’t comprehend the era of the Prophet and haven’t seen the Imam of the Time [Imam al-Mahdi], they responded to the call of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Khamenei] and support Wilayat al-Faqih [Guardianship of the Jurisprudent]. The enemies also knows this very well and for this same reason, the adherence of the people to wilayah has been targeted.”
Rasa News Agency