RNA – The Policy Council of Friday Prayer Leaders of Iran issued a statement on Friday prayers this week.
Iran has become a hotspot for the spread of coronavirus more than a month after it began in central China.
Authorities say nearly 250 have tested positive for the disease while putting the death toll at 26 as of Thursday noon local time.
The government has adopted contingency measures to deal with the surge in the number of infections, including a week-long closure of schools in several provinces.
For the first time in decades, Friday prayers have been cancelled in 23 provincial capitals out of 31, while authorities have imposed tighter restrictions on arrivals of foreign nationals, especially those from China.
The statement is as follows:
In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
We inform the noble and revolutionary people of Iran, especially the faithful people and the attendees of Friday prayers that following the request of the Honourable Minister of Health and Medical Education [Dr. Sa’idi Namaki] and the Chief of the National Headquarters for the Fight Against the Coronavirus and the importance of the rights of the dear and faithful citizens of Islamic Iran and the necessity of observing it.
According to the written letter of Dr. Namaki, Friday prayers will not be held on February 28, 2020 in the capitals of the provinces which have been announced by the headquarters and are listed below.
1. Tehran
2. Holy Qom
3. Rasht
4. Mashhad
5. Tabriz
6. Urmia
7. Hamadan
8. Esfahan
9. Sari
10. Ardabil
11. Karaj
12. Ahvaz
13. Semnan
14. Zahedan
15. Shiraz
16. Qazvin
17. Sanandaj
18. Kermanshah
19. Yasuj
20. Gorgan
21. Khorramabad
22. Bandar Abbas
23. Yazd
There will also be no Friday prayers this week in the provincial capitals, counties and towns that have been identified as a definitive sensitive point, according to the chief of the University of Medical Sciences and respected governors.
It’s obvious, Friday prayers will be held in other cities and areas which are in accordance with the health rules and regulations in coordination with the provincial and county headquarters.
We must seize the opportunity and during these days of light and spirituality we announce our thanks and appreciation to you and the honourable Friday prayer leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran for protecting the nation’s health – hardworking physicians, paramedics, nurses and service and administrative staff – and managers and officials of the Ministry of Health and Education in this sacred jihad.
On these dear nights and days, especially on the first night and Friday of the holy month of Rajab al-Murajjab, we pray to God the best destiny for all, especially the great, patient and thankful people of Iran.
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be with you,
Policy Council of Friday Prayer Leaders of Iran
Rasa News Agency