RNA – In his Friday prayer sermon to a large and fervent crowd of believers at Qom’s Qods Prayer Hall, Ayatollah Alireza Arafi referred to the fortieth anniversary of the literacy movement in Iran and stated, “The literacy movement was started by the late Imam Khomeyni in 1979 and within forty years the literacy rate of the country has risen from 47% to almost 90% and for those below 50 years of age, the literacy rate is 98%.”
The head of the Islamic Seminaries of Iran commemorated the 9th of Dey [December 30th] epic, which marks the day when millions of people went to the streets on December 30, 2009 to demonstrate their support for the Islamic establishment, and described this epic as a symbol of the insight and covenant of the ummah with the late Imam and said, “In 2009, we faced an act of sedition that inflicted great damage on the country. The story began here and brought the principle of the election under question and there were allegations of fraud, a claim they could never prove.”
He said, “Over the past forty years, various political factions and groups have come and gone but it was unacceptable for anyone, through spite or deceit, to claim that there were ten million fraudulent votes in 2009. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Khamenei] raised the banner of defending the popular vote.”
Ayatollah Arafi noted, “If we question the elections and fail to submit to the law at all stages, we will become a country that must always be at war. The elections will be pursued by law and through a formula that is repeatedly exercised and power at the level of the presidency, the Assembly of Experts, the Islamic Consultative Assembly (parliament) and the councils has been displaced.”
The jurisprudent member of the Guardian Council added, “In the recent riots, people came to the scene and deviated from the righteous demands of the people. The people had questions about the price of gasoline being suddenly tripled and hardships and expenses were imposed on them but they had rights. But meanwhile, the evil Americans pursued their plans in Iraq and Lebanon, sought to break the Islamic Resistance and disintegrate their economies by creating insecurity for the Islamic Resistance Front. This was also pursued in Iran and caused great damage to the country.”
He emphasized, “The great Iranian people endure hardships and express their criticism and objections. It’s their right to express their opinions regarding the elections and their election is correct but the world must know that despite all the difficulties, the Iranian people will overcome the obstacles through intelligence, insight and resistance through sharp eyes and firm steps and will put the sedition behind them and will triumph over the enemies of Islam and the Islamic Revolution through the grace of God.”
Ayatollah Arafi referred to the 9th of Dey, the 22nd of Bahman [the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution on February 11th] and the upcoming 2020 legislative election and said, “The Iranian nation will demonstrate its glory on the 9th of Dey, 22nd of Bahman and on the great election on February 21st and the world will once again watch the depth of the nation’s insight.”
Rasa News Agency