RNA – Speaking at the 45th conference of the managers of the Centre for the Services of the Islamic Seminaries on October 2nd, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyed Abolhasan Navvab referred to the history of the expansion of Shi’ah Islam and the importance of the Arba’in pilgrimage.
The head of the board of directors of the Centre for the Services of the Islamic Seminaries in Qom said that before the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, the name of Shi’ism didn’t exist in many countries of the world and added, “After the Islamic Revolution, Shi’ism was propounded in the world. In countries such as Malaysia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, there were no Shi’ahs and today it can be that there is no country where a tent hasn’t been established in the memory of Imam al-Husayn.”
Hujjat al-Islam Navvab said, “Shi’ism was propagated and spread during the time of the late Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Khamenei]. The late Imam promoted Shi’ism as pure Islam and the Supreme Leader promoted it as Resistance Islam and today, Shi’ism is expounded as a superpower around the world and reveals itself to the world.”
His Eminence said, “Today, the Shi’ah have Hezbollah and Ansarullah and gradually Resistance Islam demonstrates itself as a power in the world.”
Hujjat al-Islam Navvab said, “Arba’in is a symbol of Resistance Islam and Shi’ah Islam and is the embodiment of the rituals of this school of thought.”