RNA – In his Friday prayer sermon to a large and fervent crowd of believers in Qom’s Quds Prayer Hall, Ayatollah Seyyed Hashem Hoseyni-Bushehri said that communication with God and the strengthening of spirituality must not be limited to the holy month of Ramadhan and added, “We must not distance ourselves from the Holy Quran in other months because Ramadhan is a exercise to implement the Islamic lifestyle in other months.”
Referring to the glorious presence of the people in the marches held on International al-Quds Day, the member of the board of directors of the Assembly of Experts said, “This year, the presence of the people was more passionate and the people stood against the deceptive plot of the ‘Deal of the Century.’ Due to the glorious presence of the people of the Islamic Ummah in 100 countries on International al-Quds Day, we will see the neutralization of the enemies’ plots.”
He said that the presence of the people in the ceremonies marking of the death anniversary of the founder of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeyni, was “impressive,” and noted, “This presence demonstrates that after thirty years after his death, the people stand firmly on the covenant that they have signed with the Imam of the Ummah.”
Referring to the anniversary of the demolition of the blessed mausoleums of the Imams in Madinah’s Jannat al-Baqi cemetery on April 21, 1925, Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri stressed, “The 8th of Shawwal is the anniversary of the filthy act by the misguided Wahhabi sect and today, the Wahhabi ideology unfortunately harms the Islamic world and Takfiris and Daesh continue the path of these destroyers of Jannat al-Baqi. We hope that the Islamic Ummah will be saved from this evil ideology and that the Islamic Ummah will be united in their lofty goals.”
The secretary of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Seminary referred to the lifestyle of the great founder of the Islamic Revolution, he said, “Imam Khomeyni was a great personality who was the model of the freedom-loving people of the world. The Imam was able to stand firmly against the enemies and the people were and have supported the work of the Islamic Revolution with their lives and hearts.”
He stated, “Imam Khomeyni was determined and resolute on the path to reaching his goal and he always acted with divine support. The Imam was duty-oriented and wasn’t negligent in order to achieve his goals. The Imam was tireless and always hopeful. The Imam mixed politics with spirituality.”
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri added that this year, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Khamenei] noted that one of prominent features of the Imam was his persistence and resistance. Resistance means that if a person determines the right path, he will not go astray and obstacles won’t stop him.”
His Eminence noted that the resistance of the Iranian nation has a foundation and said, “According to the command of the Supreme Leader, if we don’t resist and we surrender, the enemies will advance, some prescribe that we must surrender in order to solve the problems and give the green light to the enemies, while we have progressed whenever we have stood up, but whenever we have retreated, we have faced a loss.”
He added, “The Iranian nation will resist until it stops the enemies. The cost of surrender and withdrawal is far more than the resistance that we saw during the Pahlavi regime and today this is seen with the Saudis. Although, there are difficulties with resistance but the identity and the independence of the country is protected. We believe in the promise of God that if we are persevering on the path of God, we will be victorious.”
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri said that the enemies are in decline today and stated, “Our country has many capacities and we can defeat the enemies by relying on our internal capacities. The officials must strive and listen to the speeches and recommendations of the Supreme Leader and act on them.”
Rasa News Agency