RNA – In his Friday prayer sermon to a large and fervent crowd of believers in Qom’s Quds Prayer Hall, Ayatollah Seyyed Hashem Hoseyni-Bushehri referred to the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ said, “The principle of the existence and birth of Jesus Christ was accompanied by miracles and his life was also accompanied by miracles. The Prophet Jesus came with a message of love and affection and he was the manifestation of the struggle against oppression and corruption. Today, those who have launched wars to fight for the victory of Christianity, engage in conquering other countries and crimes are not real Christians and Christians must speak out against the arrogant front and the oppressors.”
The member of the board of directors of the Assembly of Experts pointed out that the thinkers of the Christian world must clarify that the performance of the leaders of disbelief and hypocrisy are in contradiction with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus brought a book called the Gospel, in which the glad tidings of the coming of a prophet at the end of time was announced, meaning the Prophet Muhammad, and he must be followed.”
He pointed to the economic problems facing Iran and said, “One of the important issues facing the country today is the issue of the economy and livelihoods of the people. Sanctions are a declared economic war that has been started against us. From one side, we are suffering from increased costs but we must know that the enemies are seeking to defeat the Islamic Revolution and separate the people from the system through sanctions.”
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri said that enemies welcome the Islam of prayer, fasting and Hajj but rather are worried about the Islam which creates a spirit and movement in society and stressed, “The enemies used various methods in this regard and on the eve of the fortieth anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, the enemies have focused on sanctions and have been putting various pressures on the country, sometimes through threats and sometimes they also try to encourage our officials that if they perform a certain action, there will be relief.”
The secretary of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Seminary added, “This has been exemplified by this process of negotiations with the P5+1 group of countries and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JPCOA). This issue must be an experience for society and the authorities that we cannot trust the enemies.”
His Eminence said that we must not be oversimplify in the face of the enemies and added, “The authorities are striving but these efforts aren’t enough and in order to counter the enemies’ plans and conspiracies against the Islamic Revolution, we need a roadmap for the future and we must not suffer problems everyday.”
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri referred to issues facing the Middle East and said, “The Syrian case has reached a fortunate place, the presidents, who have sanctioned this country for the last eight years, have asked permission from the president of Syria [Bashar al-Asad] to go to this country. This is an achievement of the Islamic Resistance against the enemies. I wish that the resignation of the United States Secretary of Defence [Jim Mattis] and the United States’ withdrawal from Syria had occurred sooner.”
He added, “Given the numerous and scandalous failures, Americans want no longer want to face defeat and have decided to leave Syria. Yemen has found relatively good conditions and negotiations have begun, which must result in the benefit of the Yemeni people and Ansarullah.”
Rasa News Agency