RNA – In a meeting with a number of the secretaries of Rasa News Agency, Ayatollah Mohammad-Baqer Tahriri, the custodian of the Maravi Seminary in Tehran, referred to the verse of the Holy Quran, “Those who deliver the messages of God and fear Him, and do not fear any one but God; and God is sufficient to take account” [33:39] and said, “The issue of the propagation of religion isn’t exclusive to individuals or a particular stratum, nor a particular method. Anyone who can fulfill the divine mission, which is the same as the divine religion, through desirable methods, is subject to the favour of God Almighty and is in line with the goals of religion.”
The renowned Iranian scholar appreciated the valuable activities of Rasa News Agency in the fields of providing information regarding the events, achievements and academic activities of the Islamic seminaries and added “Rasa News Agency arose from the Islamic Seminary of Qom. The seminaries are actually a model of divine religion and represent the manifestation and the legitimacy of religion. The seminaries were constructed by the hands of the Ahlul-Bayt, who were the founders of the seminaries. Upon this basis, the threefold essence of the religion was defended and developed.”
He stated that the first issue is about the discussion of religious beliefs, the second issue is about the ethical and spiritual discussion of religion and the third issue is about the practical issues of religion and along with these there are other issues as well and noted, “One dimension of the seminary is to promote the content of religious issues and one of the arenas of propagation is the media and we must engage in it and at any time, it has a particular direction.”
Ayatollah Tahriri considered the media as an element of religious propagation and stated, “One of the fundamental pillars of every culture, nation and religious culture is the strengthening of the issue of the media of which its main position is a religious government and in reality, the government is responsible for it.”
His Eminence stated that the work of the media is subject to discussion and this is particularly true in regard to Rasa News Agency because of the fact that it work arose from the seminary and essentially, it has been dealt with in religion. Both the mission and the fear of God must be centred on this path.”
He considered media activities to contain some harm and emphasized the need for care in these directions and said, “There are many people who aren’t familiar with media issues and the propagation of religion or they haven’t understood it properly. The duty of the media is to educate the public through enlightenment and the transfer of correct information."
Ayatollah Tahriri added, “It’s necessary to try to find out the places where the enemies intend to infiltrate or have infiltrated and entered into the media and explain the harms and the methods to counter them to the community.”
His Eminence said that today the enemies have attacked the mourning ceremonies of the Imams in order to remove the pure nature in any way from this divine path. The missionaries are duty-bound to inform the people in these areas.
In conclusion, he said, “In the mourning ceremonies, unfortunately, some people pay attention to marginal issues and it’s the duty of the missionaries to explain the principles of mourning to the people, especially the youth.”
Rasa News Agency