RNA – In an interview, Allamah Arif Wahidi, the secretary-general of the Association of Shi’ah Scholars of Pakistan, referred to the recent remarks made by the President of the United States, Donald Trump, against Saudi Arabia and said that that these remarks are an insult to Riyadh.
During a rally in Mississippi on October 2nd, Trump said, “We protect Saudi Arabia. Would you say they’re rich? And I love King Salman but I said ‘King, we’re protecting you. You might not be there for two weeks without us. You have to pay for your military.”
His Eminence added that Trump’s remarks represent the strong link between the United States, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Allamah Wahidi emphasized, “Trump was completely correct when he said that without the protection of the United States, the House of Saud cannot even last for two weeks.”
The Pakistani Shi’ah scholar stated, "In fact, the West and the House of Saud tried to divert Muslims from their beliefs with a plan that had already been foreseen.”
He added that the promotion of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia and the Ahmadiyyah movement in Pakistan are the result of the cooperation between Saudi Arabia and the West.
Allamah Wahidi stated that the colonialists, with the help of the House of Saud and the creation of deviant Islamic sects, challenged Muslim unity.
He said that an individual named Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to be a prophet in the Indian subcontinent, which was the result of the rivalry of the House of Saud with the West.
He added that former Secretary of State of the United States, Hillary Clinton, admitted in her confession that Wahhabism and extremist sects were created in Pakistan with the financial help of Washington and Saudi Arabia played a significant role in this regard.
Allamah Wahidi noted, “The path of the House of Saud was devised by the United States and the West and is not related to authentic Islam.”
His Eminence said, “Upon taking possession of Hijaz, the House of Saud even changed the name of this territory to Saudi Arabia.”
He added that Saudi citizens aren’t free in their beliefs and can be arrested and imprisoned if they don’t follow the House of Saud, saying, “The House of Saud, with the translation of the Quran, distorted Islam according to their own will, and if the people don’t follow the rulers, they face harassment.”
Allamah Wahidi said the triangle of the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia support deviant sects in Pakistan and also in other Islamic countries and also support Takfiri terrorist groups such as Daesh.
Rasa News Agency