Rasa – The deputy secretary-general of Pakistan’s Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen party visited the Iranian Consulate in Karachi where he recited Surat al-Fatihah for the victims of the Ahvazi terrorist attack and strongly condemned this crime act.

RNA – Allamah Sayyed Ahmad Iqbal Razavi, the deputy secretary-general of Pakistan’s Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen party offered his condolences to Mr. Ahmad Mohammadi, the consul general of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Karachi, in regard to the September 22nd terrorist attack in the southwestern Iranian city of Ahvaz
The Pakistani’s Shi’ah scholar also strongly condemned the attack and recited Surah al-Fatihah for the victims.
He added that, despite the fact that colonial powers, especially the United States, committed many acts of terrorism against the Iranian people after the Islamic Revolution, the people of this country, led by Ayatollah Khamenei, demonstrated their perseverance and were victorious.
Allamah Razavi emphasized, “The Ahvaz terrorist attack is a sign of the weakness of the United States and the Arab countries who are trying to take action against the Iranian people by resorting to Daesh.”
The Iranian consul general thanked the deputy secretary-general of the Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen for his expression of sympathy and said, “The people of Pakistan and Iran stand alongside each other in these difficult conditions.”
Mr. Mohammadi added, “The hearts of the people of Pakistan and Iran beat for each other and the relations between these two brotherly countries is also friendly.”
Prior to this, Allamah Raja Naser Abbas Jafari, the secretary-general of Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen, announced the involvement of Daesh in the Ahvaz terrorist attack had been directed by certain Arab states.
On Saturday, members affiliated to the al-Ahwaziyah terrorist group attacked a parade of the Iranian armed forces on the occasion of the start of the Sacred Defence Week, which marks the beginning of the Iran-Iraq War, in Ahvaz. As a result of this terrorist attack, 25 people were martyred and more than 60 others were wounded.
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