RNA – In an exclusive interview with Rasa News Agency, Ayatollah Mohsen Mojtahed-Shabestari, a member of Iran’s Expediency Council, said that the unity and solidarity of the people of Iran are among the main pillars of its national power and said, “Experience and history have shown that in any society where there is unity and solidarity, that society is powerful, but in any society where divisions and dispersion dominates, it will be destroyed, decayed and defeated.”
The representative of the people of East Azerbaijan province in the Assembly of Experts continued, “The highest link that can be created between brothers is fraternity and brotherhood and this is mentioned in the Holy Quran, where it says, ‘The faithful are indeed brothers’ [49:10]. All of the faithful are brothers of each other and have been made brothers and spatial and temporal proximity does not matter – meaning all the faithful are brothers whenever they are and at all times.”
He added, “In another part of the Holy Quran, God Almighty says, ‘… And do not dispute, or you will lose heart and your power will be gone’” [8:46].
Ayatollah Mojtahed-Shabestari emphasized that unity and solidarity are desirable as one of the pillars of national power at any time, especially when powerful enemies are applying hostilities that have initiated Islamophobia. It must be noted that the enemies have a special hostility against the resistant nation of Iran so in the current situation, the necessity of solidarity, unity and more is felt.”
The member of the Expediency Council expressed concern about the officials’ attention to the economic problems facing the country to prevent the creation of a gulf between the people and the system and said, “The government and the judiciary must pay serious attention to controlling the exchange rate market and dealing with offenders and profiteers of the current situation.”
He said that the high exchange rate has affected a lot of commodities and said, “When the exchange rate is high, chickpeas and beans are also becoming more expensive inside the country.”
Ayatollah Mojtahed-Shabestari said, “If among the economic officials of the country, there are those who do not work well, change them. The members of parliament have called for the reshuffling of the economic officials of the country, which may solve the problems to some extent.”
In conclusion, His Eminence said, “The people must ‘open their breasts.’ In the early days of Islam, the Muslims tolerated the sanctions and boycott imposed on them and God brought them victories. Now, the situation of the people is not comparable with those days but prices are increasing and there is inflation and people must have patience and cooperate with the government. Solidarity between the government and the nation is also a factor in solving the problems. The enemies have brought forth economic plots and sanctions that we are hopeful that these will not affect the unity of the nation and the officials.”
In the past few months, Iran has faced turbulent developments in its foreign exchange and gold markets.
Rasa News Agency