RNA – Speaking on the occasion of International al-Quds Day, Shaykh Maher Abdul-Razzaq, the head of Lebanon’s Reformation and Unity Movement, emphasized that disunity among the Islamic ummah will only benefit the enemies of Islam.
The Lebanese Sunni cleric said, “In the holy month of Ramadhan, I urge the Islamic ummah to seek unity and sympathy and to return to the concept of a united nation in keeping with ethnic and racial disagreements and tribulations. The holy month of Ramadhan must be the beginning of unity.”
Shaykh Abdul-Razzaq noted that the objective of the enemies of the Islamic ummah is to create religious and political differences in order to eliminate the unity and sympathy of the Muslims, weaken the Islamic ummah and create division among Muslims.
His Eminence added, “Their domination over the Islamic Resistance Axis, especially in Palestine and Lebanon, which is aimed at securing Israel, is the most important action of the enemies. We need to strengthen our unity in order to neutralize the plots and the seditious schemes of the enemies.”
He considered the warriors of the Islamic Resistance Axis to be guarantors of the dignity of the Islamic ummah and called for the formation of a national unity government in Lebanon on the basis of the results of the May 6th parliamentary elections as soon as possible.
In conclusion, Shaykh Abdul-Razzaq stated, “Lebanon has been protected from internal and external sedition through its adherence to the equation of the army, nation and Islamic Resistance, as well as the presence of national and religious figures such as the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah.”
International al-Quds Day is a legacy of the late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeyni, who designated the day in solidarity with the Palestinians.
Rasa News Agency