RNA – In his Friday prayer sermon to a large and fervent crowd of believers in Qom’s Quds Prayer Hall on International al-Quds Day, Ayatollah Seyyed Hashem Hoseyni-Bushehri referred to the glorious presence of the wilayah-loving people of Iran in the rallies in support of the oppressed Palestinian people and mentioned the fact that seven decades have passed since the British sacrilege against Jerusalem al-Quds, the first qiblah of the Muslims, whereby the Zionist entity was founded, saying, “The British government was at the top of these issues and this has continued with the support of the arrogant powers.”
The board member of the Assembly of Experts added that from that day until today there was a huge calamity, but unfortunately, international organizations were deadly silent and didn’t accompany the Palestinians in this manner. In the early years, several Arab countries not only failed to help Palestine, but their army was also defeated and they lost part of their land.
He said, “Then the core of the Resistance and the Palestine Liberation Organization were formed and unfortunately, because these people didn’t perform their duties with the standards of jihad and martyrdom but rather with the sensation of nationalism, they didn’t succeed. After the Islamic Revolution, they weakened and became deviated because they didn’t possess any Islamic thought and these actions continue to harm the Palestinian cause.”
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri explained that after the Islamic Revolution, the Israeli embassy in Tehran was closed by Imam Khomeyni and Imam commanded that the cancerous tumour must be eliminated and International al-Quds Day was established and this movement has been occurring for the past several decades.
The member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom added, “Today, despite the above 50°C heat in many parts of the world, the people came to the streets came to the streets and they cried ‘death to America’ and ‘death to Israel,’ and with the love of the Imam, the Islamic Revolution and the school [of the Ahlul-Bayt], they suffered in this difficult heat to tell Trump that we will didn’t stop fighting for our ideals.”
Pointing out that the Palestinian nation has gained self-confidence today, he said, “The United States transferred its embassy to Jerusalem al-Quds and many [Palestinians] went to the streets and sacrificed many martyrs and were wounded. Those who sat at the banquet table and celebrated the transfer of the [true] capital of the United States to Jerusalem al-Quds are at the height of isolation and they are only accompanied by a few mercenary countries. A few days ago, the United States remained alone in the United Nations and this is the culmination of the isolation of the United States in the world.”
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri said, “This year, a huge crowd attended the commemoration of the death of Imam Khomeyni and in this ceremony, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei] likened the political aspect and the revolutionary movement of the Imam and the oppression against him to his ancestor, Imam Ali.”
The member of the Supreme Council of the Seminary said that Imam Khomeyni introduced pure Muhammadan Islam into the political culture of the country. The attraction and efficiency of the Imam was in such a way that he made decisions through spiritual calculation and trust in God and didn’t have personal friendship and hostility with anyone, and his criterion was only based on Islam.
He stated, “Imam Khomeyni had a special emphasis on the people and the people also had a deep confidence in him. He considered the current criteria of the people and didn’t admire those who abandoned the revolutionary movement. He didn’t act with haste, was brave in front of the enemies and believed in divine assistance.”
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri said, “Today the conditions of our country are such that the enemies are seeking to impose an economic war and practical and psychological pressure against the Islamic Revolution but with the wise leadership of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, God-willing, they won’t harm the country and the Revolution in any way.”
Referring to the final days of the holy month of Ramadhan, he added, “The remaining opportunities of Ramadhan must be fully utilized.”
Rasa News Agency