RNA – According to Reza News Agency, a group of scholars and teachers from Syria visited Qom today and met with Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi, the head of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom.
The jurist on the Guardian Council reiterated, “God Almighty has made man with free will in order to be free in his choices and this divine gift is a great virtue for man in relation to other creatures.”
He added, “After having given man free will and rationality so he can be free, God Almighty called the prophets and the apostles to assist rationality in order to discern things.”
Ayatollah Yazdi emphasized the necessity of following the line of the Islamic Resistance and resistance against the enemies and said, “From the beginning of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeyni [the late founder of the Islamic Revolution] gave special attention to the role of the Islamic Resistance movement in realizing the goals of the Muslims."
He continued, “[The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution] Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei continued the path of Imam Khomeyni and strengthened the Islamic Resistance Axis.”
His Eminence also condemned the decision of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, to recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as the “capital” of Israel and move its embassy to the holy city, saying, “With the hope of God Almighty and the efforts of the Islamic Resistance Front, the enemies will not be able to create any changes in Jerusalem al-Quds, the capital of the three [Abrahamic] religions [Judaism, Christianity and Islam].”
Ayatollah Yazdi stressed that Islamic scholars must stand against the plots of the enemies and not allow them to achieve their evil goals.
The revered teacher in the Islamic Seminary of Qom stressed that the Daesh Takfiri terrorist organization was created by the enemies and stated, “Daesh considers all people who do not share their beliefs as infidels and seeks to eradicate them.”