RNA – In an interview in regard to the issue of environmental theology, Hujjat al-Islam Dr. Ya’qoub-Ali Borji presented a five-way solution for environmental protection from the perspective of Islam.
Dr. Borji is a research assistant at the Higher Educational Institute for Islamic Jurisprudence (a branch of Qom’s al-Mustafa International University) and the scientific director of the Islamic Encyclopedia of Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment.
The Attitudes of Islam Towards the Environment
The religion of Islam focuses on environmental issues from three perspectives: the first perspective is the attitude of belief and insight, the second perspective is the explanation of the principles of jurisprudence which are used to protect the environment and the third perspective is the explanation of environmental ethical rulings.
Rulings on the Environment from the Aspects of Divine Guidance and Revelation
The Holy Quran discusses many issues about the environment. More than a thousand verses of the Quran have addressed the issues of nature and natural resources and these issues in the Quran have a guiding aspect. Many of the fruits, the names of animals, plants, nature, the earth, the sky and other such issues indicate the special attention of the Quran to environmental issues.
The Religious View of Mankind Towards the Environment
If mankind had the perspective towards the environment that religion has, they would never harm the environment. When we travel in the most sacred place, which is the House of God in Makkah for Hajj, we wear in the most holiest of clothes, the clothes of ihram. In this situation, God has ordered that for those who are performing the Hajj to wear the clothes of ihram. Most of these rulings relate to the environment and animals.
The issue of aggression and environmental degradation in Islam
In the Quran and in the narrations of the Infallibles, a principle is mentioned that prevents aggression by mankind against the environment. However, the term “aggression” is also mentioned in some verses of the Quran, but principles and rules such as the principle of “la dharar” or “harm is prohibited,” corruption, waste and other principles in the three arenas of insight, jurisprudence and ethics all prevent aggression and transgression against nature.
Treaties on the Issue of Environmental Jurisprudence
There are many traditions and verses in the field of environment that can be used to derive the principles and rules for protecting the environment and vital resources. In order to arrange these principles and rules, it is necessary to gather practical information in the treatises and place them at the disposal of the public.
Source: vasael.ir