Najaf Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – Hujjat al-Islam al-Qubanchi said that Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution was not only internal, regional and national but it was a great change in contemporary history and it was a victory for Islam, Shi’ism and the oppressed nations.

RNA – During his Friday prayer sermon delivered to a large and fervent crowd of believers in the Iraqi city of Najaf’s al-Fatimiyah Husayniyah, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Sadruddin al-Qubanchi dismissed calls for American troops to monitor Iraq’s 12 May parliamentary elections in Sunni-majority areas.
The Iraq Shi’ah cleric said that the Ministry of Interior and the Iraqi forces have the ability to establish security in the war-torn country and stressed that the presence of foreign forces is not allowed, according to the country’s constitution.
He also noted the remarks by Darbaz Mohammad, Iraq’s Minister of Displacement and Migration, about the return of more than 2.5 million displaced people to their home areas and the attempts to return the remaining displaced people to their homes over the next few months.
Hujjat al-Islam al-Qubanchi condemned the remarks by the former Grand Mufti of Iraq who called for the country’s elections to be canceled because they are “illegal and tribal” and claimed that the elections were taking place under a corrupt government and that Iran controlled the government and said, “The Sunni people responded to the statements and said that corruption would be resolved by the reforms and changes by the elected candidates and the Mufti must abandon tribalism.”
His Eminence who emphasized that the election is not a tribal election but every person is free to vote for a candidate and called on the former Grand Mufti to bring proofs for his claims about Iran’s control of Iraq.
He referred to the fact that international competition is real and added that Iran has helped to liberate Iraq through the Iraqi government and called for the end of Saudi and American influence in Iraq.
Noting the upcoming anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Hujjat al-Islam al-Qubanchi said, “The world always stood alongside the movement of the Iranian people and monitored the actions of Imam Khomeyni and his power in the overthrow of the Shah.”
He added, “Today, we are about to celebrate the 39th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and we conclude that this victory was not only internal, regional and national but it was a great change in contemporary history and it was a victory for Islam, Shi’ism and the oppressed nations.”
The Friday prayer leader of Najaf also noted the pillars of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and said, “These pillars are: a knowledgeable nation, the sources of emulation and religion.”
Hujjat al-Islam al-Qubanchi also referred to Bahrain’s Al Khalifah regime’s revocation of the citizenship of a number of Bahrainis for tribal reasons and their sending them to Iraq, saying, “This is a kind of tyranny and sectarianism and the Bahraini government will fall into the same abyss that Saddam fell into.”
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