Ayatollah Tabasi:
Rasa – A member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom stressed, “We are in such a region and we are pursuing policies that are the source of jealousy amongst our neighbours and enemies. They are jealous of us and plan to destroy us.”

RNA – In an interview with Rasa News Agency, Ayatollah Najmuddin Tabasi, a member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom, took note of the statements by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, in a meeting with the people of Qom on 10 January and pointed to the rich sources and honourable, meritorious and religious people of Iran and said, “The people today proved that they respect their foundations, beliefs, country and the Islamic establishment and they have always stood alongside the establishment and its officials through difficulties and bottlenecks.”
The senior Iranian cleric said, “The officials of the establishment must understand this meaning and know who voted for them and they must think about the people. Which person doesn’t know that wasteful imports cause the loss of production, the failure of the factories and youth unemployment and as a result, they blow smoke in the eyes of the people.”
Ayatollah Tabasi has said that the economic issue can be solved and added that some of the problems facing the country are other issues which aren’t related to the economic problems.
Referring to the Supreme Leader’s statement that there is no unsolvable problem in the country, he stated, “When the highest-ranking person of the establishment says ‘why have so many problems accumulated and a cause for dissatisfaction has been created when the infantrymen of the enemies and the mercenaries can abuse this situation and ride the wave and threaten the reputation of the establishment?’”
The renowned teacher in the Islamic Seminary of Qom referred to the repeated directives by the Supreme Leader to the authorities to follow up and resolve the problems of the people and said, “First, we must look at the influence of the remarks of the Supreme Leader on the authorities and then we seek to reflect on it in society.”
Ayatollah Tabasi said that there was a lack of work in the country but the current time was not the time to settle the account and added, “Now that we are not looking for the culprit, we all have a responsibility to maintain the establishment, all we have to do is to advance this establishment, and at the head of it are the authorities of the country and the officials of the power and government.”
His Eminence continued, “Officials must have listening ears and if they really think that there is an insurmountable problem, they must discuss it with the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution. The Supreme Leader knowledgeably said that we have no insurmountable problems.”
The member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom stressed, “We are in such a region and we are pursuing policies that are the source of jealousy amongst our neighbours and enemies. They are jealous of us and plan to destroy us.”
In conclusion, Ayatollah Tabasi said, “We must blame all our problems on the foreigners. These issues exist but we can work. The authorities have to listen to the words of the Supreme Leader and the people believe that they are the servants of the nation.”
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