RNA – Speaking at the al-Quds Mosque in the Lebanese city of Sidon, Shaykh Maher al-Hammoud, the chairman of the International Union of Resistance Scholars, said, “Last week, some rioters effected by incitement by the United States intelligence agency turned economic demonstrations into riots and chaos in some Iranian cities.”
The Lebanese Sunni scholar emphasized that the enemies “covered the demonstrations on their news sources as if a popular revolution against the system of Wilayat al-Faqih [Guardianship of the Jurisprudent] had been set in motion.”
He noted that the events of recent years clearly indicate the willingness of the Islamic ummah to carry out the important task of destroying the Zionist regime.
The head of the International Union of Scholars of Resistance said, “Those who have been disappointed by the destruction of the Zionist regime and think after all those dark years of Takfirism and conspiracies by the heads of some of the Islamic countries in the region, the Islamic ummah is incapable of reaching that goal anymore, must know that our situation and theirs are similar to the time of Prophet Noah, who was mocked by his nation for building the ark where there is no sea.”
Shaykh al-Hammoud described Daesh and other Takfiri groups as the worst phenomenon in contemporary history, adding that “despite the fact that secrets have been revealed, we are witnessing the support of some governments of this ideology and justifying the actions of the Takfiris.”
“Despite all these issues, we are so hopeful of the near future based on what we witness in the Islamic world today,” the chairman of the International Union of Scholars of Resistance noted.