Qom Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – Ayatollah Sa’idi said, “The enemies of the Islamic Revolution, namely the criminal governments of the United States and the Zionists, were the main perpetrators of the sedition of 2009.”

RNA – In his Friday prayer sermon delivered to a large and fervent crowd of believers in Qom’s Qods Prayer Hall, Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad Sa’idi offered his condolences on the death anniversary of Lady Fatimah al-Ma’sumah, saying, “Many years before the birth of this honourable lady, Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq said, ‘Three gates from the eight gates of paradise are in Qom. A woman from my offspring, whose name is Fatimah, daughter of Musa, will die there, and because of her intercession, all of the Shi’ah will enter paradise.’”
The custodian of the Holy Shrine of Lady Fatimah al-Ma’sumah added, “Because of the status that God has given Qom, Satan and his soldiers have had a sense of avarice towards Qom from the beginning and now, especially after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the poisonous arrows of the enemies have been pointed towards this city and the culture of the Islamic Revolution and there are plans to promote corruption in this city and everyone must work to prevent the enemies’ conspiracy.”
Referring to end of the post-2009 election sedition on 30 December, 2009, he described this day as day of “insight and the covenant of the ummah with guardianship,” and provided an analysis of the formation of the sedition of 2009 and the epic of 30 December, saying, “30 December is derived from the 1979 Islamic Revolution and the Ashura-inspired presence of the Iranian nation against the conspiracies of the enemies.”
Referring to the architects of the sedition of 2009, Ayatollah Sa’idi said, “The enemies of the Islamic Revolution, namely the criminal governments of the United States and the Zionists, were the main perpetrators of the sedition and since the beginning of the Revolution, they have had devious designs to overthrow the Revolution and they will never abandon this aim.”
The representative of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Khamenei] in Qom argued that, in addition to malice, the enemies have been launching sedition and chaos every ten years, “The enemies have been planning to launch another sedition between the years 2009 to 2019, which we must be careful of. The second element of the sedition of 2009 was the creators’ concealment of the true face of the main enemies behind the facade of the deceived people. The third element of sedition was the contamination of the social space that is created by the combination of truth and falsehood and the superficiality of the people towards issues and events.”
He added, “At the time of intrigue, those who are insightful must not be distracted and silent, but they must be a boundary between the people and the seditionists and the people must act in a timely manner. In 2009, the people defeated the plots of the conspirators.”
Referring to the method of detecting sedition, Ayatollah Sa’idi said, “It is important to pay attention to the indices and criteria for recognizing truth from falsehood. The statements and positions of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Khamenei] are genuine criteria for recognizing truth from falsehood and the second criteria is through vigilance and piety.”
Referring to the lesson learned from the events of 2009, he added, “Everyone knows that the issues, problems and crises of the country will never reach a stalemate due to existence of a wise Wali al-Faqih [Guardian-Jurist – Ayatollah Khamenei] and his leadership, foresight, and anti-imperialist stance. “
His Eminence noted the difference between being a revolutionary and deceptively presenting oneself as a revolutionary and said, “Being revolutionary is when mankind acts within the framework of Islam, the school of the Ahlul-Bayt, constitution and Wilayat al-Faqih [Guardianship of the Jurisprudent], and stands against the enemies but a false revolutionary acts in opposition to his revolutionary claims and slogans instead of acting upon them.”
Ayatollah Sa’idi added said, “In order to prevent internal hostilities and the formation of seditious groups which can be exploited by the enemies of the Islamic system, the authorities must take the demands of the people seriously and the president must give more appreciation toward the demands of the Supreme Leader.”
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