RNA – In his Friday prayer sermon delivered to a large and fervent crowd of believers in the Iraqi city of Najaf’s al-Fatimiyah al-Kubra Husayniyah, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Sadruddin al-Qubanchi responded to the recent statements by the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, against the Popular Mobilization Forces, saying, “Those who support and defend Iraq are the most deserving people to rule in this country and this is their natural right.”
On Saturday, Macron called on Iraq to dismantle all militias, including the government-backed Popular Mobilization Forces.
The Iraq Shi’ah cleric condemned the decision of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, to recognize al-Quds (Jerusalem) as the capital of the Zionist regime and to transfer their embassy to the holy city and added, “The Zionist lobby is behind the scenes of this decision by the United States and it has influenced the politics of this country.”
Hujjat al-Islam al-Qubanchi called the Zionist regime an occupying and illegitimate regime and explained, “al-Quds (Jerusalem) will not be the capital of the Zionist regime and Trump’s decision triggered one a half billion Muslims, who will not remain silent about such actions and demonstrations will be held throughout the world.”
His Eminence called on Muslims to preserve their unity in opposition to this decision by the United States and added, “The leaders of the United States must know that the Iraqi people and the Muslims of the world stand firmly against their actions.”
He stressed that such issues would unify the Islamic ummah and that the enemies cannot defeat the will of the Muslims, whose current slogan is “Death to Israel.”
In another part his Friday prayer sermon, Hujjat al-Islam al-Qubanchi conveyed the greetings and appreciation of the Supreme Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, to the Iraqi people over the “glorious” commemoration of the Arba’in al-Husayni pilgrimage and added, “In a message, the Supreme Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution said, ‘You bought the honour of Islam and Shi’ism and it attracted the eyes of the world and astonished the people of the world.’”
Referring to the killing of former President of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh by Ansarullah forces, he said, “The current era is the era of the people and awakenings and such individuals were not overthrown by coup d’états or in the absence of the people but rather, they were obliterated from their posts in the government by the people and this indicates the return of nations to their Islamic identity.”
In remarks on religious affairs, the Friday prayer leader of Najaf congratulated the believers on the birth anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad and in response to the fatwa of a Saudi mufti who considered the celebration of the Prophet’s birth as a “heresy and a factor in misguidance,” he noted, “Was the fatwa of this mufti made through ijtihad [independent reasoning] or is it a plot and a hostile act against Islam? This fatwa was not made through the ijtihad of one religious scholar but rather it is a conspiracy against Islam and in fact, Wahhabism was created by the enemies of Islam. This mufti considers fighting against the Zionists as ‘forbidden’ and has considered it ‘permissible’ to shed the blood of Shi’ahs.”
Hujjat al-Islam al-Qubanchi said, “They do not consider an issue such as cooperation with the oppressors, which is an evident prohibition, as forbidden, therefore we can see that Saudi Arabia is embracing the United States.”