RNA – Speaking at the opening ceremony of the Remembrance of the Helpers of Ashura Exhibition in Qom, Ayatollah Seyyed Hashem Hoseyni-Bushehri appreciated the “epic” participation of the Iranian people, especially the people of Qom, in the Muharram mourning commemorations for Imam Husayn, saying, “This year, we witnessed some of the effects of the germination of the Husayni mourning ceremonies and the enthusiastic and significant presence of the young people in the religious programs demonstrates the germination of the Islamic Revolution.”
The member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom stated that Imam Husayn isn’t only associated with the first ten days of Muharram but rather Ashura and the uprising of Imam Husayn have hundreds of messages and his uprising was against oppression and added, “The uprising of Imam Husayn was for the sake of establishing truth, defending the oppressed and implementing divine law. It shouldn’t be such that after the afternoon of the day of Ashura, the case of devotion to Imam Husayn will be closed and we pursue other issues.”
He also praised the passionate presence of the people in Martyr Mohsen Hojjaji’s funeral, saying, “In the atmosphere of Ashura and Muharram, we witnessed the unprecedented presence of the people in the funeral of Martyr Hojjaji – who was the spokesperson of the oppressed martyrs. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Khamenei] said ‘God desired to make Martyr Hojjaji a spokesman for the martyrs.’ This presence demonstrates that the people love the martyrs and jihad in the way of God, despite all the enemies’ conspiracies to make them forget jihad and martyrdom.”
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri referred to the recent independence referendum the Iraqi Kurdistan Region and said, “The Supreme Leader said that the referendum was a betrayal of the region and a threat to the future. The role of the United States and Israel is clearly seen in this issue and if it wasn’t for green light of the Zionists, this referendum wouldn’t have taken place.”
The member of the board of directors of the Assembly of Experts said that the countries of the region – namely Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria – should coordinate in seeking a solution to the referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan, and noted, “After the sedition of Daesh, the enemies launched this sedition. Therefore, the countries of the region and Iraq’s neighbours must deal with the situation in such a way that the enemies don’t be tempted to launch other harassing plans and conspiracies on the basis of various pretexts.”
He continued, saying, “We strongly condemn this Zionist-American move but we don’t want to bring any harm on the Kurds, who are the neighbours of Iran. The leaders of this region want to entangle the people in a quagmire by collaborating with the enemies. The issue is not just about the Kurdistan Region but their road map is to divide the region and the countries of the region must stand firmly against the enemies conspiracies.”
Referring to the issue of Myanmar and the oppression of Muslims in the southeast Asian country, Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri stated, “Myanmar is a source of constant sadness for the Islamic world and about 500,000 people have been displaced from their homes and many have died due to this displacement.”
He said, “With the help of Buddhists, the Myanmarese army seeks to ethnically cleanse Muslims from the country and at least 5,000 people have been displaced per day. This is a devastating tragedy and is due to the discord and lack of unity in the Islamic world. Some parties have a plan which has resulted in the massacre of Muslims.”
Referring to the shooting incident in Las Vegas, said, “If a Muslim had been involved in this incident, the enemies would have made a big deal but now the media of the enemies has been deadly silent. If Daesh were involved, it would have been the result of the seeds sown by the US. That it was the work of an American, it shows the bitter reality of this country.”
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri added that instead of threatening Iran, North Korea and other countries, US President Donald Trump should consider that the American people need to be given greater attention and noted, “The plans of the enemies will fail and only the victory, glory and greatness of the Islamic ummah will remain.”