RNA – Speaking at a ceremony commemorating the martyrdom of Imam al-Husayn in the southern Lebanese village of Aynata, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Ali Abdul-Latif Fadhlullah, the head of the al-Fikr al-‘Amal [Practical Thought] Association of Lebanon, said, “The Islamic Resistance supports us and we also have a duty to protect it from conspirators and from those who prey on them.”
The Lebanese Shi’ah cleric added, “It is only the Islamic project which has the ability to liberate Palestine and we must strongly prevent the Islamic societies against the Takfiri plots and sedition which seeks to create strife and disrupt the Islamic world and transform countries into small ethnic- and religiously-based cantons and states.”
Hujjat al-Islam Fadhlullah emphasized the necessity of using the lofty meanings and blessed values of the Husayni movement and stated, “These concepts and values can be used to bring about closeness and understanding between the various religions and Islamic denominations in Lebanon and the Arab world.”
His Eminence called for the distancing of Ashura commemorations from undesirable actions, and stated, “We need to launch a cultural movement to support Ashura against the non-Islamic heritage, customs, traditions and practices which were not produced by the Islamic environment but rather were imported from abroad, introduced by foreigners or incorporated in the Ashura commemorations without awareness and vigilance and unintentionally became an integral part of it.”
He added, “Unfortunately, this irrational heritage which is far from logic and is the opposite of Islamic law, has become an integral part of the Ashura commemorations and is full of deviancy and regression.”
Referring to the actions of some movements and parties in order to defeat any project which seeks to unify the Arab and Islamic nations, Hujjat al-Islam Fadhlullah noted, “Everyone must strive to expand the dialogue between religions and to abstain from any issue that has led to disputes and conflicts among various rival groups regarding Islam.”