RNA – Speaking at a Muharram mourning ceremony held in Lebanon’s Bint Jubayl district, Hujjat al-Islam Nabil Qawouq, the vice-president of the Executive Council of Hezbollah, described the military actions of the Zionist regime against Syria as indicative of the failure of that regime in the country and said, “For this reason, the Zionist regime was forced to unveil its true façade as the supporters of the Daesh and the al-Nusrah Front.”
The senior Lebanese cleric added that this clarified many of the facts and made the correctness and legitimacy of Hezbollah’s positions in the war on the Zionist project clear to all.
Saudi Arabia is an accomplice to the Zionist regime
He said, “Unfortunately, the Arab League and the Arab states have been silent in regard to the Zionist attacks against Syria. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is complicit in the attacks alongside the Zionist regime.”
Hujjat al-Islam Qawouq said Syria has faced seven years of a inconclusive foreign-imposed war with the invitation and support of Saudi Arabia but the Islamic Resistance Axis, especially Hezbollah, is laying the grounds for the burial of Daesh in Syria.
He continued, saying that during the days of Muharram, the heroic forces of the Islamic Resistance are on the front lines in Dayr al-Zawr and Abu Kamal to dismantle Daesh and bury Daesh and the Takfiri project.
The power of the Resistance is derived from their relationship with Imam Husayn
Referring to the complete defeat of Daesh, His Eminence emphasized that this victory will only come about when the al-Nusrah Front’s emirate ends in Idlib as this emirate is a direct threat to the security and stability of Lebanon and the Lebanese people and Lebanon’s borders cannot be secured when Daesh and al-Nusrah Front remain in Syria.
Hujjat al-Islam Qawouq considered the fight against Takfiri terrorists in Syria as due to the support from the homeland and the people and said, “The more Hezbollah achieves victory, its power and its place in the domestic, regional and strategic equilibrium increases and the concern of the Zionist regime and the anger and wrath of the United States increases and on this basis, we see more sanctions against Hezbollah.”
The senior member of Hezbollah noted that the American, Zionist and Saudi efforts to undermine the Islamic Resistance are useless because the strength of the Resistance isn’t based on money and international lists but rather they derive it from their relationship with Imam Husayn and Karbala.
Failure to resolve Syrian refugee cases poses a danger to Lebanon
He said the failure to resolve Syrian refugee cases poses a danger to Lebanon and all Lebanese people, especially as some individuals and movements seek to permanently reside in Lebanon and added, “Lebanon is currently paying the price for the wrong policies against those who are trying to thwart the resolution of these cases.”
Hujjat al-Islam Qawouq appreciated the position taken by the president of Lebanon, Michel Aoun, at the United Nations General Assembly and said that his positions stem from national interests and the will of the Lebanese people. “[Aoun] demonstrated that he is a resilient and brave president who doesn’t trade the interests of his country,” he said.