RNA – Speaking at a ceremony held by World Intellectual Society in the southern Lebanese village of Aynata, Shaykh Maher Hammoud, the chairman of the International Union of Resistance Scholars, said, “Israel’s power is not in weapons or due to American support but the Zionists are in living in a temporary life and the internal state of the Zionist regime is very unfavourable.”
The Lebanese Sunni scholar added, “Arabs and Muslims are thirsty for a healthy belief and a great Islam, an Islam which transformed Arabs from the worshipers of idols into heroes but unfortunately, some Arabs are now living in defeat, capitulation, dependence and fragmentation.”
Shaykh Hammoud stated that all civilizations were created by economic policies but the civilization of Islam was the only civilization which was established by Islam and when Arabs became detached from their religion and civilization, they became defeated, divided and engaged in fighting and war amongst each other and initiated dialogue and peace talks with the Zionist enemies who do not distinguish between friend and foe.
He said that the true Arabs are those who stand alongside the Islamic Resistance Axis in the Gaza Strip and in southern Lebanon against the Zionist regime and carry themselves with dignity, honour and civility.
Addressing those who are not listening to the call of truth, His Eminence said, “The pattern of stability and perseverance among the Islamic Resistance in Palestine should be expanded despite the killing, crimes and the blockade and the pattern of the Resistance in Lebanon also must be expanded. Through them, we must also stand against the Zionist and the Takfiri enemies.”
Shaykh Hammoud emphasized, “Unfortunately, the will of some individuals and groups is completely influenced by other powers and they are taking orders from the United States and the Zionist regime, who are engaged in the occupation of Palestine, the Judaization of al-Quds (Jerusalem) and the division of regional countries.”