RNA – In his Friday prayer sermon to a large and fervent crowd of believers in Qom’s Quds Prayer Hall, Ayatollah Seyyed Hashem Hoseyni-Bushehri said, “In a clever move, [the late founder of Iran’s Islamic Revolution] Imam Khomeyni named the last Friday of Ramadan as the International Day of al-Quds and this day has been designated as an official holiday in the Islamic system.”
The member of the board of directors of the Assembly of Experts added, “The interconnected ranks of our people and the massive march in Iran and other parts of the world indicate that the message of the Imam Khomeyni sits on the hearts of the awakened hearted. al-Quds Day is the day of Islamic unity and resistance to the arrogant powers and a cry against the oppressors and the defence of the oppressed.”
He stated, “By the command of the Quran, the people shout against the tyrants. The story of Palestine is painful. Through one transnational conspiracy, a people have been expelled from their own homes, have been tortured and have been deprived of their rights.”
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri explained, “The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Khamenei] said that enemies have transformed a true entity into a fake entity. Today, we are facing difficult and critical conditions and the enemies are seeking to create deviant thoughts in the world and on the one hand, they’ve created disagreements between Islamic countries and on the other hand they’ve created groups such as terrorist groups, such as Daesh, to divert the peoples’ minds from the issue of Palestine.”
The deputy of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom said, “Once the Arab states stood against Israel during the Six-Day War, but today, the United States is changing Arab regimes and has spent $500 million against these countries and have created an Arab and Zionist coalition against us. The reason for this is due to our defense of the land of Palestine and the first qiblah of Muslims.”
“Although the Palestinian territories are occupied, but we announce with a clear voice that the issue of Palestine is still the first issue of Islamic Iran and the Islamic world,” he added.
Referring to the conspiracies of the enemies against the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri said, “The issue of Palestine is the first issue of the Islamic ummah and Iran and the only path to victory and success for the Palestinian people is to rely on God Almighty and every other path will be fruitless. God-willing, the day will come when the Iranian people will celebrate the liberation of al-Quds (Jerusalem).”
He referred to the acts of terrorism carried out by Daesh in Tehran on June 7 and said, “The Takfiris carried out blind attacks and a number of fellow citizens were martyred. The nation was expecting officials and armed forces to give a decisive answer to this group and give them a strong slap.”
His Eminence added, “Fortunately, the heroic army of the Iranian nation spoke not only to the hearts of Daesh but rather they gave a serious warning to the enemies and the arrogant powers. The Western media announced that the army didn’t only slap Daesh but rather their clear message was directed at the United States, the Zionist regime and the reactionary regimes of the region until they know that if the evil continues, it will be stronger.”