RNA – The Association of Muslim Scholars of Lebanon held its annual iftar gathering in its centre in the Beirut suburb of Haret Hrayk which was attended by a large crowd of Sunni and Shi’ah religious scholars.
Speaking at the ceremony, Shaykh Ahmad al-Zayn, the chairman of the Trusteeship Committee of the Association of Muslim Scholars of Lebanon, said, “This ceremony is an example of the real and sincere call for Islamic unity and our principle policy and aim is to demonstrate the solidary of the Islamic world.”
Referring to the Conquest of Makkah by Muslims, which occurred on the 20th of Ramadan, 8 A.H., the Lebanese Sunni scholar said, “Sunni and Shi’ah scholars and personalities came together at this ceremony to agree on one policy, which is the line of the book of God Almighty [Quran] and the lifestyle of the Prophet Muhammad, during the ‘month of victory’ [Ramadhan] over Makkah by the Muslims.”
Shaykh al-Zayn emphasized the necessity of a world orientated toward an Islam which propagates the unity of human civilization and stated that while Zionist policies have risen sharply in Jerusalem (al-Quds) and Palestine, the Arabs have chosen to be silent.
“For more than 70 years, the people of al-Quds and Palestinian have suffered from tragedies by Israel, United States and the United Kingdom,” he said.
Referring to the fact that more than 1.6 billion Muslims around the world do not have any plans for Palestine, Shaykh al-Zayn said: “Where is the Sunni leadership? Where are the scholars of the Sunnis? We call on Sunni and Shi’ah scholars to stand alongside the Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah, who stood beside the Ka’bah and called all humanity toward the civilized humanistic project of Islam.”
He added, “I hope that next year we will meet in Jerusalem at the al-Aqsa Mosque.”