RNA – In his Friday prayer sermon to a large and fervent crowd of believers in Qom’s Qods Prayer Hall, Ayatollah Seyyed Hashem Hoseyni-Bushehri commemorated the memory of the late founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeyni and said his passing on June 4, 1989 was a bitter day in the history of the Iran’s Islamic Revolution but with the large presence of the glorious people in his funeral, they demonstrated their love of their leader to the world.
“The Imam was a unique personality in contemporary history and he believed in God with his entire being,” he said.
The member of the board of directors of the Assembly of Experts added that the founder of the Islamic Revolution granted the spirit of dignity and self-esteem to society and added, “Imam Khomeyni demonstrated and operationalized the principle of ‘neither East nor West’ in Iranian society. The governments of the world are dependent on the two poles of the East and the West but he chanted the slogan of ‘independence, freedom and Islamic Republic.’”
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri added that the nature of the 15 Khordad (June 5, 1963) uprisings was the pursuit of religious independence and the iron will of the people alongside Imam Khomeyni. “The Imam highlighted the role of the clergy during the 15 Khordad uprising. He stated that the 15 Khordad uprising was for Islam, in the name of Islam and for the religious authority and the guidance of the clergy created this uprising,” he said.
The member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom referred to the “heroic” and widespread participation of the people in Iran’s May 19th presidential and city and village council elections and said, “On May 19, we witnessed the magnificent elections in the country and once again, the epic participation of people in elections demonstrated the national resolve of the Iranian people and proved that after 38 years, they continue to have confidence in the Islamic system.”
He added that in the last election in the United States, the turnout rate was 55% while in Iran, 73% of the people participated. Iran’s elections coincided with US President Donald Trump’s visit to Riyadh and with this visit, the enemies wanted to threaten and conspire our nation but when they stood against our raging nation they became disappointed and not only did they blame themselves but rather they blamed the people, intellectuals and media groups.
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri expressed that the elections neutralized the conspiracies of enemies and demonstrated the victory of the Supreme Leader, the people and the Islamic system and added, “The election was carried out with a high turnout and in complete peace and dignity and people of various opinions participated. When others see this unity and participation, they are surprised.”
The representative of the people of Bushehr in the Assembly of Expert added that the era of competition is over and now is the era of solidarity, tolerance and the rule of law. “Those who participated in the elections and after the announcement of the Guardian Council confirming the result of the elections, the opinion of this council is considered as the final word and we offer our thanks and appreciation,” he stated.
Referring to the critical situation in Yemen, Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri said 55,000 Yemenis have been infected with cholera and 500 have died so far. “The officials and people should do what they can to help the innocent people targeted by the enemies,” he said.